What’s “THE Füste”?

The Füste is a health based “kompetition” that finds it’s origins in ancient Bavarian culture. There are two game events annually, Winterfüste (starting every January 2nd) and Sömmer Kamp (usually starting sometime after the 4th of July). Each game event runs roughly nine weeks. Game play starts out fairly simple and increases in difficulty week over week. Click HERE for the Füste’s origin story and a basic synopsis of how to play the game. And the benefits? On average, a dedicated Füster will drop +15-20 pounds of flank meat (although the single event record is 45 pounds and total weight loss is completely dependent on your own focus and dedication to the tenets of the Füste) while simultaneously improving their overall fitness and mental health and often times establishing new and positive habits that carry forward through the year. Basically, when everything’s said and done, you’re simply building a new and better version of yourself while having fun and surprising yourself with capabilities you didn’t even know you had (and you’ll look good naked when it’s all over too). It’s that simple.

