Finale Sömmer Kamp Update - August 24th

Morning Füsters . . . 

We sit today on the eve of the Finalefüste and what an interesting journey it's been to get here. For one, GG learned that Sömmer based Füsting for our desert based Totemfi is a major challenge. Hard to bonus when it's 115F outside. Also, it seems like the seasonal expectation of a cold beer at the end of a hot Summer afternoon was just too much for too many. As of this morning, we have the largest number of DNF'd Totemfi that we've ever seen in a Füste. Twenty-one Füsters just could not make it through the full seven week (also interesting to note this was the shortest Füste too) event. That's more Füsters than are left on either of the two Gruppens! And as mentioned before, it seems that at the current level of infrastructure (no app based reporting system and local game play only) the Füste's future will be Winterfüste based only for the foreseeable future. So if you're interested in Füsting in 2019, plan accordingly as there will only be the one event. 

Alright, some final notes . . .

  • As already mentioned, tomorrow is the FInalfüste where those who are attending will be thrown in the meat grinder known as the Finale Konfrontation. The forecast is for a high of 81F at the time we'll be getting started so it will be warm. You are going to be active for about an hour so wear something sporty that you don't mind getting dirty. And then the temp is going to drop into the upper 60's as the afternoon goes on so a sweatshirt would probably be a good idea too. But most importantly, remember that Hitzegruppen should wear a red top and Sonnegruppen a yellow.
  • After much thought and learning that some Füsters were going to do it anyways, GG is stepping the menu back to the good ol' traditional pizza (as opposed to half cooked chicken and burgers on the park's charcoal grills). So if that was your plan, know that GG has you covered. Please bring tasty appetizer type foods to supplement or a "dessert" like substance.
  • If you kept a Foodenbuch, please remember to bring it to the Finalefüste so you may earn your  bonus. Also, for those who are participating in the Bauchfüste Fettleibigkeit Challenge, you'll be weighing in naked in front of everyone so prepare for that experience.. GG jests, of course, but yes there will be a scale there to get your final weights. You may want to weigh yourself at home naked and then with your FK outfit on so you know how much to subtract from that final weigh in.
  • Did you slay your Drachen? GG has to say he is very pleased with the Sömmer Kamp Drachen body count. You guys have really outdone yourself when it came to putting down those big scaly bastards. While some really went overboard and are probably permanently damaged (GG's going to have to update his "days since a work place injury" sign), everyone who actually took on the Drachen challenge did an amazing job of finding something that would be a real challenge and then getting out there to see that challenge through. Given that Drachen-slayage is almost completely self-driven, it's really amazing to see what you guys can do! Hopefully you surprised yourself . . .

Remember you can still earn daily activity punkte for tomorrow so the game isn't over until 16:00 hours in the park. Still a chance to move up in the rankings or drop that one Totemfi who's been shadowing you for the last couple of weeks. Finish strong!

In case there's any confusion around exactly where to go tomorrow, GG will send each of you a text with a pinpoint location at about 3pm. If you're driving over, remember that parking will primarily be found in the park and therefore you'll have to pay. If you're planning on drinking, it's always a much better idea to Lyft over.

See you tomorrow and have a great last two days of Füsting!