Quick update as we move into the final weekend of Sömmer Kamp . . .
- It's time for your Drachenfüste. For those who have proposed, tomorrow marks the the first day you can pull the trigger on your Drachen slayage. For those who haven't, are you really going to just give away +10p because of a little pain and suffering? Get your proposal into GG, get it approved and then get it done!
- Don't forget that we're firmly in Trippelt country now. Tripple the Schmerze means triple the punkte!
- So much bonuspunkte left on the table right now. Give yourself a healthy bump in the rankings by knocking out some of the bonus allowances. How hard could it be to hit a couple people with wasserballons (actually based on some of the videos sent to GG, it's apparently VERY difficult)?
- Invitations went out earlier in the week for the Finalefüste and GG really needs you to RSVP so that he can plan accordingly. At this point, and GG's just going to say it, there are not enough people attending to actually have a Finale Konfrontation. So please just respond to the invite (check your spam folder if you didn't see it) yay or nay so that GG knows what he's doing next Saturday.
That's it. No much left to say. Have a great weekend and get out there for one last big push this final week. After the 25th you're back on your own and staring down the barrel of the coming holiday season where you're flank meat will be waiting for you disguised first as the Great Pumpkin, then a stuffed turkey, and finally as a stocking filled with tasty treats. Hopefully the work you did over the last seven weeks will help you stare down that threat with minimal negative impact. An interesting note, GG is pretty certain this will be the last non-Winterfüste Füsting event. There just seems to be something about the cold, post-holiday blues that really drives a Füster to greatness. The rest of the year, not so much. Sömmer Kamp has been an interesting experiment but seems to have been more of a struggle than a celebration. So, thank you all for participating. GG always learns a lot from each of these Füsting events. One last "did you actually read this bonus" . . . text GG the German for "long dog" to gain a +1p individual bonus!
See you next Saturday (hopefully) . . .