Morning Fûsters . . .
Week 4 is complete and we are mere days away from your cheat day (not that some of you haven’t been cheating on your own lately)! Don’t forget, guilt free excesses that you deliver upon yourself this 4th of July will most likely lead to a wicked sugar and alcohol hangover on the 5th so tread lightly . . . As an extra incentive to Füste responsibly this 4th, all Schmerzenfüste parameters are worth double punkte on the 5th of July!
Couple things:
This week’s strength training, completed three times each day:
15 push-ups (on your knees push-ups are acceptable but your goal should be as many full blown push-ups as you can manage)
25 air squats
30 sit-ups
60 second plank
One wall hand stand held for 10 sec (optional, only attempt this if you know you can hold a hand stand without injuring yourself . . . go here to understand how to get in the correct position: . . . ignore the first part of the video where she talks about make your body a perfect L shape and go to the second part where she show’s you how to kick up into a handstand).
No fasting allowed during Week 5 . . . sorry, weirdos.
Some of the bonuses played so far:
STRAVA 100K cycling bonus
STRAVA 10K running bonus
Jump in a large, cold natural body of water bonus
After midnight but before 3am workout bonus
Spend a night camping out under the stars bonus
Completing a Schmerzenfüste parameter with a non-Füsting friend
Taking a friend’s dog for a walk
And the Überfüsters have been released! Currently this pack of elite Füsters is lead by the Hare, who just can’t stop herself. Wolverine is not too far behind but the Owl is closing in on him fast and it looks like we’re in for a real feather and fur throw down during the second half of Sömmer Kamp!
That’s it for this week. Have a great holiday and remember, never close your hand around a cherry bomb!