Here comes Week 6 . . .

Evening Fûsters . . . GG apologizes for the late weekly update but sometimes it happens . . .

Week 5 is complete and here’s hoping you thoroughly enjoyed your Cheat Day on the 4th! We’re now in the back half of this Sömmer Kamp with only four weeks to go to the finish line.

Couple things:

  • This week’s strength training, completed three times each day:

    • 20 push-ups (on your knees push-ups are acceptable but your goal should be as many full blown push-ups as you can manage)

    • 35 sit-ups

    • 60 second plank

    • 60 second wall sit

    • One wall hand stand held for 20 sec (optional, only attempt this if you know you can hold a hand stand without injuring yourself . . . go here to understand how to get in the correct position: . . . ignore the first part of the video where she talks about make your body a perfect L shape and go to the second part where she show’s you how to kick up into a handstand).

  • You can fast up to two days this week. Each completed 24 hour fast will be worth +1p. If you complete both days, you will get a +1 bonus. If you complete them back to back, you will earn yet another +1p bonus for a total of +4p.

Short and sweet this week. You guys are doing great so far so keep it up!