Week 3: On to Periode II


Congrats on finishing out the introduction period of Sömmer Kamp ‘23 (Periode I)! GG’s seeing a lot of good game play so far. He knows Sömmer Kamp (and Summer time in general) is always a real challenge for the Füsters so it’s really impressive to see you guys outside exercising in the heat and denying yourself the ice cold adult beverage afterwards (which is why GG allowed for a free Drunkenpunkte on the final day of Periode I). Keep it up cause we’re now entering the meat of the game and Periode II!

Now, on with the updates!

  • Periode II introduces Doppelt workouts. You may complete four Doppelt workouts each week during Periode II (Weeks 3-5). The other three days of each week will be Singelt workouts only. Entirely up to you which days you do a Doppelt and which days you do a Singelt, as long as you abide by the four Doppelts only rule. Also remember, Doppelt parameters are either two separate Singelt workouts on the same day or a specifically defined double workout (go HERE for the details).

  • And while we’re on the topic of workout parameters, GG has noted a couple things that he’d like to address. First, please make sure you are either posting your completed workouts to STRAVA for verification OR you’re sending GG the required heart rate proof of your workout (this is all covered ad nauseam in the game Rulebook). You need to do one or the other to earn your exercise punkte. GG has to be able to confirm that you did what you said you did. And second, please remember that in order to earn your daily point/points (+1p for a Singelt, +2p for a Doppelt) you must complete a workout that meets or exceeds the required parameters! For instance, if you score yourself +1p for completing a 5K run, you must run the entire 5K distance within the required time! If you only run 2 miles, that will not earn you the +1p for the workout! Complete the entire workout within the required parameters and you’ll earn your punkte and live to play on in GG’s good graces!

  • For those who have been carrying around 15 extra pounds to shorten the walk/hike exercise parameter, Periode II now increases the load to 30 pounds. Want a shorter Singelt? Carrying 30 pounds gets you down to three miles. Want a shorter Doppelt? Carrying 30 pounds reduces your walk to 5 miles! You can thank GG later!

  • Tomorrow (Monday, July 24th) is the 3rd dawn to dusk Fastentag of the game. And no, it’s not your imagination, they get harder each week! So, clear liquids only from sunup to sundown (07:12pm for SoCal, 07:50pm for NorCal). Get it done!

  • New bonuses have been released! Remember, all Periode I bonuses are no longer valid so make sure you review the Bonuspunkte page to see what’s what in Periode II! Go HERE now for more information!

  • Homework requirements have been updated for Periode II. Don’t forget that there is Midterm on August 6th to confirm you’ve been doing your homework regularly (and GG has it on good authority there will be something close to a 2 min plank involved!).

  • Week 3’s Sömmer Kamp Challenge Course: miniature golf! Check the Bonuspunkte page for more!

  • Keep your eyes peeled for a Periode II Tracking Sheet that will be texted to your phones in the coming days to help you keep organized in this second game period!

That’s if for now! Hope you guys are having fun and that you’ve got your flank meat on the run! The first day of Periode II is a great day to weigh in and check your progress. If you’ve been Füsting to GG’s expectations (and why wouldn’t you be??), you should have lost several pounds by now. If you haven’t then you need to take a good look at what you’ve been doing for the last two weeks! The Füste works but you have to put the effort in. GG has complete faith in you and knows you’ve got this!

Have a great Week 3!

Griswalde Grolar