Week 4: Approaching the Half-Way Point!

Evening Füsters!

Three weeks down, five to go! So far, GG’s been fairly impressed with the Sömmer Kampers as Füsting during the hot months is no easy feat. But let’s not waste time talking about yesterday! On with the update!

  • This week is fairly light on new bonuses. Sömmer Kamp Challenge (ice skating), 40 more flights of stairs and the second elevation hike bonus (2023ft) are all posted for your enjoyment starting tomorrow (Monday, July 31st). Don’t forget that the bonuses for last week’s after dark workout, walk in the park and exercise class are all still good if you haven’t knocked them out yet!

  • Fourth Fastentag is tomorrow. Clear liquids only starting at sunup and going to sunset (07:07pm for SoCal, 07:44pm for NorCal).

  • Next weekend you’ll get hit with your Midterm so hopefully you’ve been doing some of the Sömmer Skul homework that’s been assigned! There’ll definitely be (at least) a 90 second plank so go ahead and book some time for suffering next Sunday!

  • Also, Tuesday is National Night Out, which just happens to correspond with the first full moon bonus of Sömmer Kamp! To make things easy, you can earn your +1p bonus by simply attending or taking part in a National Night Out activity or get together. If you don’t want to do that, just be prepared to howl at the moon after dark!

  • One last thing, GG is struggling with the best way to share game information on a daily basis. Once upon a time, before an evil megalomaniac took over Twitter and literally X’d out the cute little bird logo for no clear reason, GG would send out an (almost) nightly update on that platform. But now he doesn’t really feel right about it. So, GG is taking an unofficial poll. Text GG your social media preference for updates: IG, FB, uh, maybe even STRAVA could work. Let GG know what you think (and if you do actually read this all the way through and send GG a suggestion, he’ll personally score you a +1p bonus bonus on Tuesday!)

That’s it for now. Have a great Week 4 and as always, may the Füste be with you!