Hallo Füsters!
Week 1 is behind us and GG will keep this short and sweet since we’re still in the beginnings of the game . . .
New bonuses are posted. Remember that only the Walk in the Park bonus from last week carries forward into Week 2 and is still live through next Sunday (the end of Periode I). If you did the walk last week however, you cannot do it again this week. It’s one and done!
Don’t forget that tomorrow (Monday, July 17th) is the second Fastentag of the Sömmer Kamp and as such you’re allowed only clear liquids from dawn to dusk (that’s 07:53pm for NorCal and 07:15pm for SoCal).
The Sömmer Kamp Challenge Course continues with the second challenge of the game and what would be more meta then a game within a game? To score this week’s +1p bonus, set up a backyard game on the lawn (e.g. croquet, cornhole, lawn darts, whatever you’ve got) and play a couple rounds with friends and/or family. Send GG a pic of the festivities to earn our punkte!
Don’t forget to do your homework!
That’s it for now . . . Have a great week!