EACH DAY of the game COMPLETE the following:
Do not eat sugar or processed foods (anything with more than 3 ingredients) and strictly limit your carbohydrate intake.
Click here for more details.
Do not drink alcohol of any kind.
Click here for more details.
SCHMERZENFÜSTE: +1 PUNkte/day (or more)
Complete a designated workout parameter.
Click here for significantly more details.
GAME INTRO - January 2nd - January 5th
The Game Intro represents the Startenfüste (Day 1) and the first 4 days of game play (i.e. Week 0) to include Singelt (single) exercise parameters and the introduction of bonus play.
GAME PeriodE I - january 5th to january 26th
Periode I represents Weeks 1-3 of game play and includes Singelt exercise parameters, bonus play, assigned Homework and fasting.
GAME PERIODE II - January 27th to february 16th
Periode II represents Weeks 4-6 of game play and includes both Singelt and Doppelt (double) exercise parameters, bonus play, Homework and fasting.
GAME PERIODE III - february 17th to march 8th
Periode III represents Week 7-9 to the Finalefüste (final day of the game) and includes Singelt, Doppelt and Trippelt (triple) exercise parameters, bonus play, Homework, fasting and finishes with the slayage of your Drachen.
Bonus game play is one of the defining principles of any Füste event. Yes, you earn the bulk of your punkte by grinding through the daily disciplines of your food, drink and exercise requirements. But you’ll champion Winterfüste by what you do in addition to that daily grind!
Click here for more details.
While your adherence to the daily game will help target your excess flank meat, GG is always a proponent for trying to add some strength while you’re a captive participant of the Füste. As a result, you’ve got Hausaufgaben (homework) to do each day to help tighten things up and add some lean muscle to that aging frame. You’ll sit for a “Mid-Term” (February 4th) and a “Final Exam” (March 8th) to showcase all the hard work you practiced throughout the game.
Homework begins on January 6th. Go here for all the details.
Füste-based fasting is known as the Fastentag, typically a dawn to dusk day of misery and irritation (but some can last up to 24 or 48 hours) that your flank meat will hate as much as you do. A traditional Fastentag begins at sun-up on the appointed day. Until sunset, you may drink water only and take no solid food. Once the sun goes down, you can return to the normal Foodenfüste parameters (no sugar, no processed foods etc.). Complete each Fastentag event and you’ll score a +1p bonus. Complete all 10 days of fasting during Winterfüste and you’ll earn a +15p bonus bonus!
Fastentag 1: Dawn to dusk, January 6th
Fastentag 2: Dawn to dusk, January 13th
Fastentag 3: Dawn to dusk, January 20th
Fastentag 4: 24 hour, January 27th
Fastentag 5: 24 hour, February 3rd
Fastentag 6: 24 hour, February 10th
Fastentag 7: 48 hour, February 17th-18th
Fastentag 8: 24 hour, February 24th
Fastentag 9: Dawn to dusk, March 3rd
Each Füster will receive a link to a personal Daily Reporting Tool (DRT). This link can be saved to the homepage of any modern handheld smart device (i.e. cellular phone, tablet, etc.). Click here for details on how to set this up.
Each day you will use the DRT to report off on the following:
Date of Report
Remember, you will always report for yesterday’s activities so that’s the date you want to enter on the DRT! Remember, when you report each morning, you select yesterday’s date.
Score 0 or 1, depending on your food intake the day before.
Score 0 or 1, depending on your alcohol intake the day before.
Score 0, 1, 2, or 3, depending on what level of exercise you completed and what’s available at that point in the game (score a 2 for a Doppelt, 3 for a Trippelt).
Distance or time spent Exercising
Enter the appropriate numbered value for the distance or time based exercise you completed. Record distance out to one decimal (e.g. 3.2 mile run). Only put the number values in the report; do not put “miles” or “meters'“ or anything like that. Again, only report numbers, nothing else.
You will report all bonus activities, whether they’re weekly or “Side Quest” (new to WF25!) bonuses using the Daily Reporting Tool.
Confirm you earned a bonus and then select the appropriate bonus completed.
Important to remember: If a bonus requires picture or video proof, you will still need to text this to GG. For instance, the Ice Bucket Allowance requires a video of you dumping that bucket over your head. Once you're soaked and shivering, send the video to GG and then use the DRT to report completion of the bonus the next morning.
This option will only be available to report on the DRT the day after a Fastentag has been scheduled.
Reports are due to GG by noon each day
If you do not report off by noon, you may forfeit your hard earned punkte from the day before. Your best life is lived when you report off each morning before noon. Do this and you will find a special place in GG’s heart where the bonuspunkte live. Fail to report by noon and not only will you most likely lose your hard earned punkte from the day before, but you may disappear from that night’s Bestenliste ranking. Pro tip: set a daily alarm on your phone to remind yourself to report off to GG!
Who is “GG”?
“GG” is shorthand for Geschäftsführer Grolar, the Füste game manager. GG is the individual who receives your daily reports, communicates with you (mostly via text), encourages or harasses you (as needed), announces bonus play, updates the website daily (most of the time), and basically is the general custodian of your entire Füsting experience. Follow the rules, report off on time, and be kind to GG and you’ll find that you will have a great time this Sömmer Kamp. Cross GG and you may experience the dangers of a grumpy Grolarbär (if this happens, try to look as big and menacing as you can, back away slowly, never run . . . and maybe leave some treats behind to distract him).
Each Füster is assigned their own unique Totemfüste. The Totemfüste represents the player's physical presence in the game and is traditionally an animal avatar. Want to know more about what the Totemfüste means and the history behind this iconic symbol? Click here for more.
The Bestenliste is where you’ll go each day to see how you rank against the rest of the Füsters. It’s based on the total amount of punkte earned by that date. This punkte total includes both your daily earnings (Foodenpunkte, Drunkenpunkte and Schmerzenpunkte) plus any bonuspunkte you have earned by completing Individual Bonus Allowances. The Bestenliste is updated nightly. Except when it’s not. Sometimes the Bestenliste will not be updated for several days (cause GG has a day job, just like you). That’s really a first world problem. Deal with it.
A link to the Bestenliste can always be found on The Füste website homepage, at the top right hand corner of any website page or click here.
WHAT’s a krapfenfüste?
A Krapfenfüste is when a player scores a zero for a day of game play. In other words, they failed miserably in their pursuit of the three daily tenets of the Füste. They partook of the sugar, drank the alcohol and they lazed around without burdening themselves with the physical pain of self improvement. This earns them the dreaded “🍩” and they should prepare themselves emotionally for unfiltered harassment and condemnation by the Geschäftsführer (GG).
WHO ARE THE gottähnfüste?
The Gottähnfüste represent the best the game has to offer. Each has earned the title of Bestenfüste in a past Füste event. They are dangerous and not to be trifled with. You can determine a Gottähnfüste on the Bestenliste because their name will be designated with a 👑. GG recommends both staying clear of this sort of maniac and also keeping close tabs on their game play. See a Gottähnfüste making a big move, you should mark them closely and do as they do. They didn’t win the title of Bestenfüste because of their winning personality or amazing personal hygiene. They are ruthless warriors of the sort that are rarely seen in the modern era. They know how to win and they are not shy about dropping the hammer on you or anyone you love if it means they will once again be crowned Bestenfüste!
Click here to see the Pantheon of the Gottähnfüste.
Everyone feels under the weather at some point. And with the sudden increase in physical activity, there’s always the chance you may suffer a minor injury and need some down time. As GG is not a monster, there are certain allowances made for sickness or injury. Each Füster is allowed to call off sick three times during Winterfüste. This is known as a “Krankenruf”. To use the Krankenruf , you simply let GG know that you’re sick and you will not be held to that day’s Schmerzenfüste requirement (meaning you’ll receive your exercise punkte for free that day; there is no impact to Foodenfüste and Drunkenfüste and you will still be expected to earn these punkte, sick or not). Remember, you can only use the Krankenruf three total times during Winterfüste so do not waste this gift because you simply don’t feel up to Schmerzing that day.
Daily game updates will be delivered via The Füste Instagram, Threads and Blue Sky accounts. Blue Sky is fairly new and the least evil of these platforms so that’s where GG is going to concentrate for WF25. If you don't have a Blue Sky account than you should probably figure out how to get one (check your phone’s app store for the app) and follow Griswalde Grolar's feed (search for
WEEKLY UPDATES: Sunday nights with GG
Weekly updates will be provided via the The Füste news channel (click here or look up in the right hand corner of any page on the website and click on “NEWS”). Weekly updates will include a summary of the past week’s activities and information regarding the upcoming week’s new challenges, bonuses or anything of special note. You will receive a text or email notification whenever a weekly update is posted to the blog.