steps to a successful winterfüste

STEP 1: Waiver

Sign the Liability Waiver (go here).

STEP 2: rules

Review the Rulebook (go here). Make sure to pay close attention to what constitutes a daily workout (i.e. required distances and/or times).


You’ll report to GG each day using a Daily Reporting Tool. When you receive your DRT link via text on January 1st, add it to your phone (go here). The Füste uses something called Smartsheets to run the DRT. If you or your company already use Smartsheets then you probably have the app on your phone. The DRT will work just fine from inside the Smartsheets app. If you don’t have the app or an account, DO NOT SIGN UP FOR ONE! You don’t need the Smartsheets app or an account to make the DRT work.

STEP 4: tracking

If you’re not going to be doing distance based workouts (e.g. runs, bike rides, swims, etc.) that can be recorded via STRAVA or some other GPS based app on your phone or watch, make sure you have a heart rate monitor identified and ready to go. Non-distance based workouts will always require heart rate data as proof that you did what you said you did.

STEP 5: Strava

If you don’t already have one, set up a STRAVA account (go here) and download the app to your phone/watch. Once you’ve logged in, search for The Füste 2025 Club and request to join; here you’ll be able to log your dialy and bonus Schmerzenfüste (exercise) activities and see what everyone else is doing in the game (and some truly incredible things will be done, no question).

STEP 6: DON’T panic

Füsting might be overwhelming at first but it’s really very simple. No sugar. No alcohol. Exercise daily. Report off on time. That’s all there is to it!


Don’t forget to do your homework. In addition to the daily workout requirements, you’ll also want to try and build some general strength. This is accomplished by a simple program of daily Hausaufgaben or “homework” (go here). How does GG know you’re putting the time in each day? Simple: you’ll be required to complete a Midterm at the halfway point of the game and a Final Exam on the Finalefüste.


Bonus opportunities will be released every Sunday night. Some are “Weekly” bonuses and some are “Side Quest” bonuses (new for WF25!). Each bonus has its own set of rules and requirements that you’ll want to review as they’re released (go here). On completion of a bonus event, you’ll need to text GG the required proof (if necessary) and then report the bonus the next morning using the Daily Reporting Tool.


GG will provide regular game updates via Blue Sky (a new Twitter-like app created by non-evil ex-Twitter employees) and sometimes Instagram/Threads. You can either follow the Füste’s accounts (search for @GGROLAR) on the platforms or there are links to each at the bottom of every page of the website (white circles, one with the IG camera symbol, one with a standard link icon for Blue Sky and one with the stylized @ symbol for Threads). In addition, GG will post a comprehensive game update every Sunday night on the Füste news channel (go here). The link is also available at the top right corner of each webpage on the site; look for the word “News” and click on it.


How do you know if you’re #winning? Most days the Bestenliste will be updated in the evening. The Bestenliste is effectivley the full game roster as ranked by daily point total. You can find the Bestenliste by clicking on the link in the upper right hand corner of every page of this website or go here.


  1. Clear your fridge and pantry of any offending items that might tempt you to break the no sugar/processed foods rule. If you have family members who won’t be Füsting with you (and will quickly become annoyed with your new healthy habits), try and separate out their krap food from your good food.

  2. Set a daily alarm on your phone to make sure you don’t miss the noon reporting cut off.

  3. There’s a great app called “Streaks” that allows you to build custom check off lists for exercises and positive habits. You can use it to build out your Daily 50 workout routine and other good stuff. GG uses it himself to help keep things straight.

  4. If you plan on doing a lot of walking for your exercise points, go get a weighted vest now (preferably one that can be adjusted to different weights like 15, 30 and 45 pounds). Daily walks for punkte can be shortened by carrying some extra weight. So if time is of an essence (and when isn’t it?), you’ll probably prefer to walk 3 miles with some weight strapped to you rather than 4 miles without.

  5. Play hard the first couple weeks. Get all three points each day. Many players lose points early and then realize, krapfenfüste, I’m really into this and want to win but I’m already behind. Anyone can win this game. Anyone can finish on the podium or in the top 10. You don’t need to be a professional athlete or anything like that. You just need to be steady and consistent. Get every point, each day and give yourself the best chance of success (both on the Bestenliste and your bathroom scale).

  6. Build a weekly plan of attack. Make a little hand drawn chart of the 7 days available to you and pre-schedule each day’s workout and meals. Get your shopping done once a week so you’re not tempted to wonder off into the cookie isle on a random Thursday night. The more work you do in advance to help yourself stay on track each day, the better you’re going to perform!

  7. And finally, have fun. This is supposed to be fun. Getting healthy is fun. Looking good naked is fun. Being able to see your toes is fun. This is all good stuff. Thanks for being here. We’ll see you on the Spielbrett (game board)!