Did you come out of the starting gate like the thoroughbred you knew you could always be? If you scored all three of the daily punkte (food, drink, exercise) on each of the first three days of Sömmer Kamp than you just earned yourself a +1p individual bonus! GG loves to reward great work so keep it up and who knows what else is in store for you in the coming weeks!
GG has heard that some Füsters are playing without knowing who they are . . . apparently because they did not get their Totemfüste assignment email last Sunday. If this is you, please check your registered email's junk or spam folders and you'll find it there. If not, please let GG know so that he can get you your information!
GG's been getting a lot of questions on this topic so let's clarify the concept. The "homework" assignments are designed to slowly build-up your functional strength. They are completely independent of the daily Schmerzenfüste (exercise) requirements and earned points. You don't report on your homework or send proof to GG. You don't get points for it either. The elements of the homework assignment have nothing to do with anything else in the game (e.g. Week 1's homework assignment involves a 30 second plank X3; these planks cannot be used for your Plankenfüste Bonus Allowance). Do the assigned homework at least three times a week (yes, it's easy right now but it'll get a lot tougher) because GG is going to randomly audit you starting in Week 2. If your name is pulled from the Hut Sortieren, you will receive a text with directions to complete a quick functional assessment iteration (QFAI) and you will need to send GG video proof that you completed it successfully. If you pass the audit, you will be rewarded. If you fail, you will be punished. The Füste is just life disguised in an interweb skin suit. Isn't accountability fun?
Tomorrow is Friday the 13th and you have an opportunity to earn more bonus punkte! Take the Hockeymaske Challenge by sending GG a picture of something that represents the superstitious nature of this day! For example, a black cat, an umbrella open indoors, a broken mirror etc. (looking for creativity here). Do it, snap it, send it to GG and earn +1p.
We're coming up on the first full weekend of Sömmer Kamp and GG is very interested to see how it goes for everyone. I imagine you'll be tempted at every turn. Shotgun a half suitcase of your favorite grog, eat an entire chocolate cake with an oversized spoon while wearing nothing but a garbage bag, laze around poolside and toast up that pork belly you call your "abs". Or get out there and kick Sömmer Kamp in the teeth by being active and healthy and dedicated to a better version of yourself! You pushed hard all week, don't let up now!
GG will be off the grid (literally) starting Friday afternoon and until Sunday evening. Go ahead and report off Friday morning for Day 4's activities (including any Hockeymaske Challenge pics) but then hold your reports for Friday, Saturday and Sunday until Monday morning (or Sunday evening if you're really hung-ho). This goes for all Dachshundfüste and Plankenfüste pictures and video proof as well. GG will not have cell coverage so he won't see anything you send until he gets back to civilization so . . .