12 Record Setting Weeks!

Afternoon Füsters!

Been a couple of weeks since GG hit you up via this forum and he apologizes for the comparable silence as of late . . . been a bit crazy over here but he appreciates your patience and continued participation! We are in completely uncharted territory now, moving into Week 12 or better known as three months straight of Sömmerfüsting! This is unquestionably the longest Füste in modern, recorded history and Herr Doktor Mediziner Schneebärtchen would undoubtedly be beyond proud of your dedication to the destruction of your flank meat (if you have any left after 79 days of earning punkte!). So kudos to you all for pushing yourself past your comfort levels and really going for it this Sömmer!

Couple items . . .

  1. Please let GG know if you will be able to attend a Finale SK19 Celebratory Event in Petaluma on the evening of Saturday, Aug. 31st. Spouses invited. If we get a decent head count, we’ll have a nice little get together for you dedicated Füsters . . . text GG with yah or nah as soon as possible.

  2. Week 12 leads to an unprecedented Week 13 and you will have the option to slay a Drachen, if you so desire. Starting this Saturday, Drachens may be slain up until 15:00 hours on the 31st. As a reminder, a Drachen is an event that is at least 4X that of a single Schmerzenfüste parameter (e.g. 20K run etc.) or as approved by GG, if you want to propose a customized concept . . . And as always, Drachens are worth +10p.

  3. Finish strong but simple with the daily X3 work for Week 12:

    • 20 push-ups

    • 50 sit-ups

    • 90 second wall sit

    • 90 second forearm plank

  4. Only 2 audits left for Sömmer Kamp 2019. Next to last is due this Friday (details via text) and last will be due on Friday, Aug. 30th. Each completed audit is worth +3p so easy way to earn some punkte!

  5. Don’t forget (cause it seems like most of you have) all past bonuses (with the exception of long dogs and broken plates) are still in play! So get out there and hike or jump in a lake or pick up some trash or sleep in a tent and earn some good bonuses as we close the game out!

That’s it for now . . . only one more update next weekend and that the’s game. Hope everyone has seen some good results to date with this extra long Füste and no one is going backwards (looking at you, Grolarbär!).

May the Füste be with you,