Week 10 . . . Finishing Strong


So we’re here, incredibly, at the end of another Winterfüste. It’s the final week of a particularly long event (GG has not done 10 weeks before but given the damage of Rona Year ‘21, he felt it necessary to increase time on task for prime flank meat destruction). To date, this has been one of the most interesting and unquestionably competitive Füste events of the modern era (I think one could make the argument that this even rivals WF1910 where Ernst Toller, one of the founders of the Bavarian Soviet Republic, challenged Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, a famous actor of the time, to a duel at the Finalfüste event in Dresden; Ernst had questioned whether Chaplin had actually climbed Mont Blanc to score his 3rd Wanderungfüste bonus . . . but GG digresses). Point being, you have all taken part in something quite extraordinary this year. 100+ players will finish the event this year. That in and of itself is quite incredible. But the battle that has been raging for a top 20 spot is something GG has not seen recently and he is quite impressed and overwhelmed by the dedication to the Füste that he has witnessed these last 9 weeks. But the game isn’t quite over and really there are any number of players who could still win and claim the title of Bestenfüste ‘21!

Couple of updates:

  • All bonus opportunities are posted and all are still live (save the Jan and Feb STRAVA allowances which closed at the end of each month). While combo bonuses are still not a thing, remember that GG is now allowing for more than one bonus per day.

  • Homework officially ends today. Get your last audit in for a +1p bonus and after that you can stand down on the push ups and sit ups etc. For those who did it consistently, GG has nothing but respect and admiration. Strong work across the board!

  • We will also be cancelling the final No Meat Monday and Fastentag Day this coming week so you can focus exclusively on Schmerzenfüste Trippelts and bonus allowances. Got get those punkte!

  • As was discussed early on, there will obviously be no in-person Finalfüste event next Saturday. While things seem to be opening up, COVID-19 levels in CA are still equal to last Summer’s surge numbers (it seems like no one is talking about this) and most of CA is still in the Purple Tier (meaning the disease remains “widespread” throughout the state). As a result, WF21 will end somewhat unceremoniously, which for GG is quite disappointing. The Finalfüste event is where he gets to meet many of the Neo-Füstes for the first time and where we celebrate both the singular and group accomplishments. GG had thought to finish things out with a Skwäd based virtual competition but has decided against this based on the general lack of overall enthusiasm for group Füste activities (and yes, GG knows that there are some that have done amazing work with the Skwäds this year but mostly the percentage of players just weren’t able to get behind the concept). GG may still attempt something virtual at 17:00 hours on next Saturday to mark the closing of the game. More to come here.

  • One thing GG would like to call out is the success of some of the new and more difficult challenges this year. While some had questioned whether the Füsters were up for it, you absolutely slayed the new Wanderungfüste three tiered challenge and the Höllenwhoche (Hell Week) challenge! And as always, the Drachenfüste Challenge (currently on-going) is turning out to once again be a real showcase for what you’ve personally accomplished this year! You should all be very, very proud of what you have done here!

  • Next Saturday will close with the Finalfüste assessment. This will be the same basic assessment you did at the Startenfüste and the mid-point. Hopefully it will capture some impressive results and demonstrate to you what you can do if you simply dedicate yourself to an idea.

That’s if for now. Here’s wishing you all an amazing final week of Winterfüste 2021. GG will have one final update/communication near the end of the week. For those with bonuspunkte left on the board, put your nose to the schleifstein and go get those points! You have seven days left and many, many players can finish considerably higher up the Bestenliste. So finish strong and as always, may the Füste be ever with you!
