W4 POC Update

Hallo Füsters!

Just a very quick point of clarity update as many, many of you have reached out to GG to ask about this Sunday’s multi bonus events. So, yes, you’re right (and GG’s very pleased to see you’ve been reading your Regelbuch), normally you can only take one Weekly Bonus and one Side Quest Bonus per day. So how does this Sunday work if there’s both the Groundhog Day and Candlemas Side Quests available on the same day?? Well (and here’s where the point of clarity comes in), when GG schedules a bonus activity (or two) that’s only available on a specific date, that bonus is IN ADDITION to the normal game play rules. So yes, on this Sunday, you can take one Weekly Bonus and one Side Quest Bonus AND you can complete the Groundhog Day Side Quest AND you can complete the Candelmas Side Quest. The DRT is built to allow you to handle reporting all of these bonuses (and that’s the real limitation here; until GG has an app (sigh, a bear can dream) the DRT’s capabilities are the limiting factor) on these one-off days. Other examples of days where you can score an extra bonus above and beyond the standard game play rules are the full moon bonuses, the halfway through the game bonus, stuff like the 12 Day of Something bonus and Mardi Gras etc. Just remember, if it’s a bonus opportunity associated with a specific calendar date, it’s an additional bonus(es) on top of what you can do on a normal game day. Hope that all makes sense. If not, you know how to get a hold of GG!

Have a great rest of Week 4 and as always, may the Füste be with you!

Griswalde G.