Game Update July 23rd

Morning Füsters . . . GG hopes everyone had a pleasant weekend.

Couple things. First, some clarification on reporting. It seems GG caused some unintentional confusion with his trip to the coast last weekend. So to be clear, moving forward from this point, the only day you do not report off to GG is Sunday. Hold your reports for both Saturday and Sunday until Monday morning. You will still report off Monday through Saturday. Hopefully this makes sense. 

GG is making a modification to the swim Schmerzenfüste parameter after considerable review of existing data. It seems that most who get in the pool are accomplished swimmers and that 750m takes under 20 minutes which makes this a wildly unimpressive work-out requirement. So moving foreward GG is changing this to a timed requirement. 45 minutes in the pool, regardless of length of swim. Anyone who is new to swimming and just dipping a toe in the water may request a lessened parameter by contacting GG directly.

Your Hausaufgaben ("Homework") Assignment for Week 3 is to complete four rounds of the following: 7 standard push-ups, 15 sit-ups (do not secure your feet), 20 air squats (or 45 second wall-hold) and a 45 second plank. You'll want to practice this assignment at least three times this week.

And one last thing, GG has a sneaking suspicion that many are not reading these updates . . . so if you are, text GG "MUNDLOCH" by 5pm this evening to receive a +1p individual bonus. And GG need not remind you that alerting other Füsters (who are not reading these updates) to this bonus opportunity only hurts you as your goal is to earn more punkte than all other Totemfi!

Alright, that's enough for a Monday. Don't forget tomorrow is HG Day #3. Yah!