Morning Füsters . . .
Hopefully everyone enjoyed their Betrügentag (hopefully everyone knows what GG is talking about and if not, I guess checking the Twitter feed occasionally would be of value). GG has seen some evidence that a few Füsters enjoyed it a little TOO much resulting in some nausea and discomfort. Re-introducing massive amounts of sugar into your body after a month will do that to you. Moderation is the key to having a good cheat day. Live and learn.
A couple of updates:
- We have passed the halfway point and are coasting into the final three weeks of Sömmer Kamp. There is a massive amount of bonuspunkte left on the playing field for almost all Füsters so get out there and earn some of it! Don't just stand idly by and let The Wolf run the game!
- Your Hausaufgaben Assignment for Week 5 is to complete four rounds of the following: 10 standard push-ups, 20 sit-ups (do not secure your feet), 30 air squats (or 60 second wall-hold) and a 60 second plank. You'll want to practice this assignment at least three times this week.
- Only one Hungriger Geist Day this week and it's tomorrow (Tuesday, Aug. 7th 06:18am to 20:13pm). Wonder why GG puts you through this? Click here to read an article about the benefits of intermittent fasting.
- Don't forget that it's time to start putting together your Drachenfüste proposal for GG. You don't want to miss out on the final +10p bonus of the game!
Short update this week. Hope you're all having the best Füste you can have. Talk soon.