Evening Füsters . . . here's a quick update for you.
First, tomorrow begins the final two weeks of Sömmer Kamp. As such, Trippelt Schmerzenfüste will begin. Complete three times the standard workout parameter and score a +3p! You can either just triple something (e.g. 15K run or three hours on the bike etc.) or do three separate single workouts or a doppelt of one and a single of another . . . You may do Trippelts for three days in a row and then you need to stand down to a single again. And yes, you may still continue to score just Doppelts if you don't feel like pushing on into that third tier of schmerze.
Second, we have an official venue for the Sömmer Kamp Finalefùste Konfrontation! We'll be at Spring Lake at the Shady Oaks picnic site. More details to come but make sure you're available on Aug. 25th in the late afternoon to attend the final day of Sömmer Kamp and support your Gruppen in what's sure to be a battle for the ages!
Third, start getting your Drachenfüste proposals into GG as we are only 7 days away from the final week of SK18. What's a Drachenfüste? Here's a reminder: it's basically the ultimate individual bonus allowance . . . and the whole point of your daily Schmerzenfüste. During the final week of Sömmer Camp (Aug. 18-25th), "slay" your personal dragon by completing a single workout that equals a quadruple standard workout parameter. For example, you're a runner and have been religiously completing the 5K daily runs for +1p, then graduated to the Doppelt 10K and even a couple of the Trippelt 15Ks (yes, that's coming soon). Well, SK18 is seven weeks long and that's just the right amount of time to get you to 20K (i.e. a half marathon). Complete the 20K, slay your Drachen, get +10p. You may use any of the Schmerzenfüste parameters to complete this uber-workout: running, walking, cycling, swimming, etc. You can even propose a combination of the parameters or design your own personal sufferfest . . . just make sure it's long and painful and a true challenge for you to complete and GG will give you the green light.
And finally, with only two full weekends of Füsting left, there's never been a better time to go out there and earn some bonuspunkte! Throw a wasserballon at someone's head, combo a 2018ft hike to a nice picnic spot next to a water hole you can jump in! Take a friend and their dog for a walk, sleep out under the starts, Schmerze after midnight . . . there's a ton of ways to get that punkte. And how bout one more? Stay up late on Sunday night to watch the most impressive show of the year as the Perseid meteor shower comes to town. You'll need to get somewhere away from city lights but once you do you can see 50-100 meteors an hour into the early morning. Do it and report back how many meteors you saw to earn a +3p individual bonus (can't wait till Sunday night and want a damn +1p bonus right now: text GG the answer to this riddle . . . What is always at the end of everything?)
That's it for now. Have a great weekend and as always, may the Füste be with you.