Week 2 Update: Do you even Füste, bro?

Evening Füsters . . .

GG promises that tonight’s game update will be quick and painless. So let’s get to it!

  • You are now 10 days into WF19. Time to take stock of where you’re at in the game. To date, GG has been incredibly impressed with what he’s seeing on a daily basis. He can honestly say that this is the most competitive Füste event in years!. For a hot second, it looked like Coyote might run the game (never mind The Wolf) but then along came a Neu-Füste named Marten and how quickly things changed. Since then, it’s been all out warfare on the Bestenliste! With seven weeks to go, anything is possible!

  • Quick reminder. In order to earn your daily +1p for Schmerzenfüste, you must either post proof of a workout on STRAVA or send (read as text) GG some kind of work-out summary that shows definable heart rate data. Starting tomorrow, GG will not reward the daily Schmerze punkte without one of these two types of proof. This expectation should not come as a surprise to anyone currently playing.

  • So far the most popular IBA has been the Eiswasserfüste challenge. This, quite frankly, comes as a shock to GG who can’t quite grasp the fact that so many would suffer such discomfort for +5p! Regardless, keep it up as this trend has shown just how seriously the competition is going to be through the end of the game.

  • Another random theme that GG thought he’d share with you . . . What do these things have in common? Dude holding the phone and filming, animal (usually dog) interfering curiously with woman planking in front of a TV set? Yep, those are the most common occurrences in the plank videos GG has been receiving on the regular.

  • A new IBA has been added to the website. Click here to check it out. The Plankenfüste GBA has also been updated for Week 2.

  • This week starts Hungriger Geist (HG) Days. This Tuesday is HG Day #1 and is a full 24 hour fast. This is obviously different than Fastentag Days, which are the sunrise to sunset water only fast that takes place every Monday and Thursday of WF19 (yes, that includes tomorrow and this Thursday). HG Days start the midnight of the appointed day (this Tuesday) and go for 24 hours (so midnight to midnight). As this is the real deal, you may consume calories found in clear liquids, like juices or coconut water. You may also try the Das Tonikum, the Füste approved mixture of hot water, lemon juice, maple syrup or honey, and a dash of cayenne pepper. And to be clear, there is ZERO expectation that you do both Fastentag AND HG Days. If you’re happy with the sun based two time a week water fast, stick to that. If you want more of a challenge, bail on the Fastentag Days and give the full HG Day a try this Tuesday. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO BOTH FASTENTAG AND HG DAYS! That was never GG’s intent. Make good choices here. Your family and co-workers will thank you.

  • Week 2’s Hausaufgaben Assignment is to complete three rounds of the following:

    • 7 push-ups (20)

    • 7 forward lunges each leg, 14 total (22)

    • 14 sit ups to twist (52)

    • 14 squats (1) or 30 second wall hold for those with bad knees (to complete, stand with your back to a flat wall, press your back against the wall and slide down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, hold your arms straight out in front of you and hold position)

    • 20 hip bridges (28)

    • 10 v-ups (50)

    • 45 second plank (as always, planks performed on forearms)

  • The number in parentheses after each of the iterations above corresponds with the explanation of said maneuver on a good reference page found HERE.

That’s it for now. Keep up the excellent work. GG can’t wait to see what happens during Week 2!

GG out