Evening Füsters . . .
We have crested the peak of WF19 and are now heading down the backside of the Speilbrett towards the Finalefüste event. A couple of updates for you:
First, an apology . . . GG has been on the road for the last two (now going on three) weeks and that has had the expected effect of directly impacting his ability to update the Bestenliste on a nightly basis. GG would like to say that this will self-correct but at this point that’s not a sure thing. Please continue to report daily, event if you haven’t heard back from GG.
This coming Thursday is a special day . . . for corporate America. It’s the first day since the Christmas holidays that they can manipulate you into buying krap that no one needs so their CEOs can make their first quarter bonuses. Ah, yes, Valentine’s Day. Here at The Füste, we have a different take on this “Hallmark” holiday. If you love someone, you won’t give them chocolates or candy hearts . . . you’ll give them the gift of health! In order to earn your three punkte on Thursday, here’s what you have to do: get your partner, significant other, BF, GF, husband, wife, or just a really, really good friend to Füste with you on Wednesday (yes, Wednesday). This person must complete all three of the daily Füsting parameters with you: they cannot partake of the sugar or processed foods, cannot imbibe of the alcohol, and must complete the same exercise regimen as you do (so, if you’re running a 5K for your +1p on Wednesday, this person must do it with you and you must send picture proof of this co-work-out). Whatever your partner/lover/friend scores on Wednesday is what you earn on Thursday. So if you want a +3p for Valentine’s Day, you’ll need your partner to step up on V-Day Eve. For those whose partner is already a Füster, both you and your partner will need to complete an extra half of a work-out to earn your Schmerzenfüste punkte for Thursday . . . e.g. I am Polar Shark, married to Arctic Hamster. We want to earn our V-Day punkte together so on Wednesday we both eat right, don’t drink, and walk 6 miles (1.5 of the walking/hiking Schmerzenfüste parameter) to earn +3p total. If your Wednesday partner is not currently Füsting, you do not have to add the extra half of a workout on . . . But what if a great physical distance separates me from my intended on Wednesday? Let GG (or JJ) know and we’ll work this detail out . . . Please announce who your partner will be on your Tuesday report off to GG/JJ (as well as texting “Sei Mein” to earn a +1p bonus).
Speaking of the Finalefüste . . . GG has been greatly challenged in finding a venue for the Finalefüste event. He continues to work on this problem but one thing that is clear is that the event will have to take place on March 2nd, Saturday. GG knows that he has communicated in the past that it could be either March 1st or 2nd but it’s going to have to be the 2nd. Good news for you, it means you have one more day to earn punkte (the game is live until the final bell is rung at the Finalefüste). This is going to be an evening event (GG knows that a number of the top players have to work Saturday till 5:30pm) and will most likely be indoors. GG will continue to work this problem and let you know as soon as he’s secured a venue (at this point, suggestions are welcome). He apologizes for any inconvenience this causes any of the Totemfi (JJ down south is not having these issues and has already secured her venue and date also as March 2nd).
Week 6’s Hausaufgaben Assignment:
Complete three rounds of the following:
10 push-ups (#26)
14 forward lunges (7 each leg) (#2)
15 squats (#13) or 45 second wall hold
45 second plank (on forearms), then right into . . .
12 plank ups (going from forearms to straight arms counts as 1) (#23)
40 bicycle crunches (tap left elbow to right knees count as 1, tap right elbow to left knee count as 2, etc) (#35)
20 hip bridges (#28)
7 burpees (#23)
Remember, the number in parentheses corresponds with the explanation of said maneuver found on this reference page: CLICK HERE.
For new bonuses, click here.
That’s it for now. Only three weeks to go. Hopefully you’ve put a big hurt on your flank meat and it’s crying out for mercy! Don’t give it any. Keep Füsting hard all the way to the end to defeat that meat!