Hallo Füsters. Thanks for volunteering to be a part of GG’s experimental take on Sömmerfüsten. I’m sure you’ve already noticed that things are a little different. There’s no Twitter or Facebook feed so communication is minimal and inspiration primarily must come from within. No Gruppen play and no apparent bonuses. All safeties are off and you can go straight to the Trippelts and just pound yourself into the ground as you see fit. This game is meant to be lean and mean and not have an enormous impact on an already overworked GG (fun fact: Sömmer Kamp was limited to only 16 players because that’s the number who signed up for the first Winterfüste).
Now for a couple of important items:
The website is active (or at least some of it). The Bestenliste is updated as close to daily as GG can manage, so you can check there to see how your game is progressing in comparison to the other fifteen players. A modified Regelbuch is also up for those who need info on the workout parameters.
You wil have noticed that the bonus page is dark. But that doesn’t mean you can’t earn bonuspunkte. You’ve all played this game before and know how to bonus. So throw something up there and see if it sticks. You might just help yourself out. And we’ll see who’s been paying attention over the last couple of years.
So who’s this Percentil Platypus player and why does he keep nipping at my ass with his big weird bill? The Platypus is one of those “experimental” concepts being tested out this Sömmer. He represents exactly 70% completion of the total game points up to and on any given day. He is here to keep you honest and motivated. If your daily score total falls below Percentil Platypus at any time in the game, you have 24 hours to get back in front of him or your Totemfüste will be summarily retired and you’re out (oh, don’t look so shocked, Sömmer Kamp was free after all). GG has been trying to come up with a way to both keep the bottom third of the game motivated but also (and no offense meant to anyone) cut the deadwood out. Because the Platypus showed up a couple days late, GG has evened the playing field by giving +3p to anyone who scored a zero on Day 1. To keep things fair, all other players received a +1p bonus as well. So, Percentil Platypus is now in play. Take a look at the Bestenliste and make sure you stay ahead of him!
You’ll note that some players have a $ behind their name on the Bestenliste. Each $ represents one Speziell Kredit. You earn these SKs by doing something particularly impressive, like running a half marathon on Day 1 or playing a three hour tennis match in +95F heat. You can use SKs to go “shopping” later in the game. One may be worth an ice cream cone, three an ice cold beer, 5 a piece of pizza. The menu will arrive shortly. This is obviously another experimental concept GG is trying out this Sömmer.
How are those push-ups coming? After a week of the daily strength training, GG has experienced the very first hint of increased upper body strength. This makes GG, who has had a fairly self-destructive year so far, very pleased. How’s it for you? Trust in GG and do this daily work as assigned. There is plenty of proof that this will do a lot for you if you do it (and soon there will be spot audits starting up so, there’s that). Week 2 is the same as Week 1, except add a 60 second plank. So three times a day complete a round of 10 push-ups, 15 sit-ups, 20 air squats and a 60 second plank.
What would a Füste be without some fasting? it wouldn’t be a Füste, that I can tell you. In the next 7 days, complete a 24 hour fast for a +3p advantage. You can pick any day you like between now and next Sunday. Fasting hours are midnight to midnight. Clear liquids only. Declare your intent to GG before you begin the fast. Oh, and Percentil Platypus doesn’t fast so there’s a good way to get some padding between your butt and his bill.
Without Gruppen play, GG’s not sure what to do with the Dachshundfüsten concept given its history of abuse by some players. But keep sending in those long dog pics and GG will figure something out.
GG has an “experimental” request around your Schmerzenfüste. As you know, you should all be using STRAVA to track your activity (or be sending GG a summary pic from some other tracking device (good job Moose and Buffalo with the Apple Watch!)). STRAVA has a simple share function that GG thinks might help him out in confirming your Schmerze. If you look at your completed workout summary on the main feed, in the lower right corner you’ll see a symbol that looks like a square with an arrow pointing up. Click this and choose “Message” to share your workout. Share this summary with GG when you report your daily activity. No share (or Apple Watch or Fitbit or similar summary) and no punkte.
Well that turned out to be way more information than GG was expecting to put out there today. Two last items here. Let’s do a weekly weigh in moving forward. Send me a pic of your weight (you, standing on scale with the number clearly visible and your nightmare coyote paws socked up as needed) each Sunday morning and we’ll see how you’re doing. And, if you read this whole thing, text GG the phrase, “The Platypus is all powerful” and earn yourself a +1p bonus (you have until sundown tonight to send this text . . . after that, don’t even bother).
Good luck on Week 2 and as always, may the Füste be with you!