Week 1: Flank Meat Rubs Eyes and Looks at You Funny

So you made it through the four day introductory period of Week 0, WF2020. Now the real fun begins. Your flank meat is sleepy and snuggly, all curled up around your midsection, butt and thighs after another fabulous holiday season of excess. It’s a little concerned with the last couple of days but fully expects you to break out the Prosecco and a pizza and get dirty with your mouth hole. But your flank meat is in for a very big surprise! because here comes Week 1!

  • Everyone did amazing work during the Week 0 introductory phase. GG is quite impressed by what he’s seen so far. Having said that, today is your first rest-day (unless you told or will tell GG that you’re choosing a different day this week). So that means no Schmerzenfüste punkte. But food and drink parameters still apply.

  • Your homework starts now. Ss promised, Hausaufgaben begins this week. You will be responsible for completing a set of three Qualkammers each day (except for on your off-day). You may either stack these Qualkammers into a single event or spread them out throughout your day. What’s a Qualkammer? Click here. Probably the easiest way to negotiate this homework assignment is to simply attach it to your daily Schmerzenfüste. Most importantly, how will you prove to GG you’re not a lazy drecksack and you really came here to Füste? Each weekend you will be required to send GG a video audit of one Qualkammer as proof that you mean business. Complete the audit, earn +1p. Easy.

  • This week also begins Fastentag play. You’ll remember from studying the Regelbuch (you did read the Rule Book, yes?), that you have the option to fast starting this week. Fastentag is a dawn to dusk fast on every Wednesday and Friday over the next several weeks. Nothing to it. Clear liquids only on the Fastentag days until the sun sets. Complete the daily fast, earn +0.5p. Complete all eight Fastentag days and earn a +5p personal bonus. Now go get hangry!

  • So far, you have all done an amazing job reporting off to GG in an organized and timely manner. Couple of points to brush up on. Please hold your daily report until the next day. That means do not report off on a day’s activities that same evening/night. Wait till the next morning. It’s very difficult to track 94 Füsters and if people report the night before then it really throws GG off. Also, remember, no reporting on Sunday. You hold your report for both Saturday and Sunday until Monday morning. You may however report bonus activity on Sunday if you like. GG may or may not respond before Monday.

  • New Individual and Gruppen Bonus Allowances have been posted to the website. Click here to check them out. And yes, if a bonus allowance is exercise based, it will count both for your bonus achievement and your daily Schmerzenfüste requirement.

  • The Twitter feed remains the primary way to track what’s going on in the game. Besides following GG at @thefuste on Twitter, there’s a standing Twitter feed button at the bottom of each page of the website and there is now a direct feed to the Twitter account on the home page at www.thefuste.com. Check it out now.

  • GG is still working on a merchant issue with the website. The pay portal should be open soon. For those of you who have not yet paid, you can pay now using Venmo. Search for @ggrolar. Or you can wait for the portal to become available later this week.

  • Percentile Platypus begins his hunt in earnest this week. Any Füster playing below the 70th percentile will find our beaked friend clamped tightly to their hind quarters. If you fall below Percentile Platypus on the Bestenliste, you have 48 hours to get out in front of him. If you can’t or won’t, you’re disqualified from the game. You’ve been warned . . . again.

That’s it for now. Here’s hoping that the Füste finds you healthy and happy this week and that your sugar detox isn’t too violent over the next several days. But if it gets bad, just remember, even astronauts wear diapers sometimes.

May the Füste be with you

Griswalde Grolar