Week 2: Flank Meat Makes Irritated Noise and Rolls Over in Bed

Hallo Füsters!

Thanks for the patience on Friday as GG was on the road. This is going to happen from time to time and is completely unavoidable on his end. Having said that, this coming week is going to be a bit of a schiesse show as GG will be far away in a foreign land (by California standards). Please be patient, report off like normal and GG will get back to you when he can. This means, just like last Friday, you may not hear back from GG between two days of reporting and the Bestenliste may not be updated that night. The Füste is not a boutique service just quite yet . . . we’ll all get there together.

Some finer points to discuss:

  • FEE PAYMENT: The Pay to Play link is up on the website (click here to access). If you haven’t already, please pay your game fee by tomorrow night. You can still use Venmo also. As of this morning (Sunday, Jan. 12th), roughly half of you have not paid. Please pay within the next 48 hours or GG will be forced to drop you from the game.

  • HOMEWORK: Some clarity on homework. Each day of the week you should be doing three Qualkammers. You can do these in one set or as three separate events (probably easier to just knock them out all at once). You do not need to report off on this daily activity or provide GG with proof and you will not receive any punkte. Confirmation that you are doing your homework comes in the form of the weekend audit (worth +1p on submission). This audit can be submitted anytime on Saturday or Sunday (or even Monday if you’re working the weekend). And yes, I know GG has directed no daily reports on Sunday, but you can still send your audit proof (just don’t expect a response). And very important to note, each week the Qualkammer is going to increase in difficulty so you’ll always want to review the updated requirements on the website before starting each week (click here to review). For instance, the Week 2 Qualkammer has been posted. It’s slightly harder than Week 1 (and yes, next weekend’s audit of one Qualkammer will be to this new Week 2 standard . . . ).

  • GENERAL REPORTING: To date, the Füsters of WF2020 have been doing an amazing job with reporting. GG cannot tell you (without tearing up a little) how happy this makes him. When he gets up and checks the Füste communication gear to find that 80% of the players have reported off each morning by 08:30 hours, well, there’s just no way to describe that feeling other than pure elation. Having said that, GG is going to ask you to make one small change to how you’ve been doing things. Please hold all your bonus activity reporting for when you report off on your daily activity. A lot of Füsters like to report bonuses when they happen (and GG totally gets why you’d do this) but it can cause some real confusion on his end and result in bonus points getting missed. So please, hold everything for one daily report. Send all bonus proof (pic/video, whatever) at that time. By doing this, you will assure yourself that all your punkte gets counted and added to your daily total. And as always, please remember, other than your audit proof, no reporting on Sunday (and if you want to hold your audit submission until Monday morning, that’s okay too). All this does not mean that you can’t reach out and communicate with GG as needed on a day to day basis if you have a question, concern etc. He always likes to hear from the Füsters and this new request around reporting structure is not meant to change that.

  • BONUSES: New bonuses have been posted to the Bonuspunkte page (click here to review), to include an update to the Gruppen Plankenfüste Allowance (hold time increased from 30 to 40 seconds total).

  • If at anytime your punkte total does not seem accurate or matches what you think you should have, please contact GG and let him know. Currently GG is tracking at about a 99% accuracy level but every so often something gets missed unintentionally. Please only file a challenge if you are absolutely certain that GG has missed something.

  • Did you read this blog? Did you really? Then on tomorrow’s report off include the word “wissen” and you’ll earn a +1p bonus for doing things right.

  • This week has three opportunities to get hangry. Monday is the first full HG Day with a 24 hour fast (starting tonight at midnight). Make sure to review the HG Day requirements in the Regelbuch (click here to review, scroll half way down the page and look for “Fasting, for you GI Pleasure . . .). Then Wednesday and Friday are both Fastentag days with the dawn to dusk clear liquids only fast. You can do all three days if you’re completely masochistic. Or a Narwahl.

  • Don’t forget to check your weight today. It’s 10 days into the game and you should have dropped a couple pounds if you’re doing things right. Hopefully you’re starting to pass through the sugar and alcohol detox period and you can see the light on the other side of the tunnel.

That’s all for now. Again, expect regular service interruptions this week with GG on the road. Other than that, have a stupendous Week 2 and as always, may the Füste be with you!

Griswalde Grolar