Week 8 Update

Hallo Füsters . . .

We’ve officially closed out Week 7 and are on the fast track to finishing Winterfüste 2021. Only three weeks of game play left and hopefully everyone is getting everything they were hoping for out of this year’s event.

Quick update:

  • This week is the last week before Trippelts come into play (officially they begin next Sunday, Feb. 28th; there was a glitch on the homepage calendar that said they started this past Sunday but that’s been corrected). Please remember that you can still score Singelts and Doppelts as desired without a penalty once Tripplets come on line. Point being, you don’t have to do Trippelts once they start up.

  • This week is also the last week of February so if you have outstanding STRAVA bonuspunkte to earn, get it done by Sunday. Cause next Monday is March 1st (how is this possible?) and we’ll start a whole new month of STRAVA bonuses.

  • Round 2 of the Skwädron Tournament is complete and GG will be tabulating scores. Look for an update to the brackets in the next 24 hours. And don’t forget, just cause you’re eliminated from the Tournament does not mean you’re out of the running the BestenSkwädron competition. The Tournament is basically like one really big Skwâd bonus allowance. Yes, the winner of the Tournament will be the odd’s on favorite to win the overall competition but there’s no guarantee of victory. Anything can happen during Winterfüste!

  • Couple new bonuses have been posted. There will not be too many more Individual Bonus Allowances for the rest of the game as Hell Week and your Drachenfüste will really take center stage for the last couple weeks of the game. So that gives you some time to get caught up and complete whatever you have outstanding (and there’s a TON of bonuspunkte currently to be collected).

That’s about it for now. One thing GG would ask of you: if you’re done playing and your’e only reporting every so often and you’re well below Percentile Platypus on the Bestenliste, please voluntarily retire from the game. The official rules say that you cannot be below the Platypus for more than 72 hours but GG has been very, very lax with enforcement of this rule this year as he wanted to give everyone as big a chance to be successful as he could. But if your hearts not in it, please retire from the game. Each player, regardless of whether they’re still committed or not, has a daily impact on GG for reporting and collation. With only three weeks left, if you’re done, tap out and let GG know. There’s no shame in it but not reporting and leaving GG to constantly go into the daily summary to see if he missed something isn’t super cool and is a huge energy suck on the game manager. So take pity on GG and do the right thing here.

Alright, everyone have a great week and we’ll see you on the Spielbrett!
