Week 6: Over the Hump . . . (but where's the damn downhill??)


The first half of WInterfüste is complete. You've managed to survive five weeks of workouts, bonus challenges, no meat Mondays, intermittent and HEAVY fasting and your Cheat Day and you’re still here to open the back half of the game. GIve yourself a pat on the back and then snug up those höschen cause here’s where the game gets real. Instead of rolling to a downhill finish after clearing the midpoint, Winterfüste becomes decidedly more difficult as we introduce three weeks of Doppelt Schmerzenfüste, followed by the final two weeks of Trippelts, which include the new Höllenwhoche Event during Week 9, your Drachenfüste slayage during Week 10 and the Finalefüste Skwäd die Staffel to really put a stake in this things heart on the final weekend. But enough of this self-suckling, let’s get it on!

  • As mentioned above, Doppelt Schmerzenfüste are now in play, meaning everyday you can earn +2p for exercise. The parameters for the Doppelt can be found HERE in the Regelbuch. Just a reminder, you can either simply double a Singelt (basically run two 5Ks which yes, equals a 10K) or do two different Singelts (swim for 35 min, run a 5K) to earn the +2p. You do not have to do the two Singelts together, meaning you could run one 5K in the AM and the second in the evening. However you want to get there.

  • More Individual Bonus Allowances have been made available. GG is implementing a new rule for the back half of the game. You may only take one IBA per day. You may not combo bonus allowances and you may not stack bonus allowances onto the same day. One a day to keep things fair as not all Füsters have the same amount of time and personal freedom to dedicate to the game.

  • The Turnier der BestenSkwädron begins today (Feb. 8th). This tournament supersizes the daily efforts of the Skwäds and puts them in direct conflict with each other as they navigate a three week, 16 team, bracketed speilbrett that will ultimately lead to a single victor. The key here is for every member of your Skwäd to get every daily punkte and every Skwäd bonuspunkte possible each week. Do this, defeat your enemy, sit back and breath in the greatness. More to come later today on the tournament.

  • The HG Days are over (thank Gotte) but intermittent fasting will continue with single Tuesday Fastentag days through the end of the game. That means that each Tuesday you can still earn your +0.5p bonus for a dawn to dusk fast (unfortunately the days are getter longer as Winter heads towards Spring so . . . ). And while we’re on the subject, congrats to the 25 hardcore Füsters who suffered through all six of the full Hungriger Geist Days this year. The 24, 48 and 72 hour fasts are a beast to be reckoned with and you all did it with minimal complaint. Truly impressive!

  • Please make sure to review the new bonus allowances for a very special support event for the Harp Seal. GG is asking for your help and support here so do what you can to lift up our friend and very important Füster (VIF?).

That’s it for now. Again, this is where things have a tendency to get crazy. Push hard but please take care of yourself and rest as needed. GG never intended this game to be won by someone scoring every single point. That’s just nuts (looking at you Marten, Polarbär, Wolverine, Hare, Orca etc.). If that’s your goal, you may need to take a hard look in the mirror and ask, “Bin ich okay?”. GG’s not a head shrinker (he leaves that up to the Snowy Owl) and doesn’t pretend to understand the motivations of each and every player. He just knows that the next five weeks are logarithmically more difficult than the first five, so go easy and don’t hurt yourself.

That’s it for now.

As always, may the Füste be with you in all that you do.
