SÖMMER KAMP 2021 Pre-Game Update

Hallo Füsters and welcome back to the Spielbrett! We’re going to dispense with the pleasantries and get right down to the (flank) meat of the issue, as Sömmer Kamp is supposed to be Winterfüste’s lighter, faster, better looking self (like you’ll be in seven weeks time!) . . .

Here we go!

  • With only one Neo-Füste, we’re going to skip the heavy handed welcome email. You all know who you are and what to do!

  • Tonight you’ll receive the link, via text, to the Startenfüste Assessment. Super simple. Weigh in tomorrow morning (July 17th), do as many push-ups and sit-ups as you can, do a forearm plank for as long as you can, notate any significant injuries you’re currently dealing with and feel free to leave a comment or two, record all on the assessment sheet and you’re good to go! Make sure you send GG a pic of you on the scale too, so he can verify your starting weight (707-779-8372), in case you accidentally deleted his contact info).

  • Some time tomorrow, you’ll receive the link, via text, to your new Daily Reporting Tool (the thing you can save to your phone’s home screen). You’ll need to use this new one and not the one from Winterfüste. It’s leaner and easier to use . . .

  • And speaking of the Daily Reporting Tool, you will now use it to report off on bonus activity. You’ll see a new text box titled “BONUS COMPLETED”. Simply write the name of the bonus you completed the day before (e.g. “STRAVA 5K for July”) in the text area. A new box will open and you can select the appropriate number of punkte that you scored for the bonus. Then simply text GG whatever proof that bonus requires (again, e.g. for the STRAVA 5K you have to send GG a screen pic of your completion note from STRAVA). That’s it. One of the great things (for GG, not so much for you) is that he gets to experiment with new concepts and systems during the shorter Füste events so we’re going to try this new one and see how it goes.

  • Another important difference for Sömmer Kamp, you can earn the right to have a frosty beverage on the weekends (or whatever passes as a weekend for you shift workers). What do you have to do to earn the Getränk Token? Score 15 total punkte (not including bonupunkte . . . nice try) between Monday and Friday of each week and you’ll earn the right to have a drink on either Saturday or Sunday, your choice.

  • Fasting is back but we’ll concentrate on the “intermittent” fast concept so that’s dawn to dusk every Monday starting on July 26th. No full day fasts (not any that are pre-scheduled at least).

  • Because Sömmer Kamp is its own thing, you'll receive an invitation to a new SK 2021 STRAVA club. Keep your peels eyed for that tomorrow.

  • Please go here to sign the liability waiver and remove GG from having to be responsible for any bad decisions you make over the next seven weeks. He just shows you the door, you’re the one who decides to go through it.

  • Don’t forget, if you need a refresher on how to play the game, go here. After that, take a minute to review the Regulbuch (Rule Book) here.

  • And finally, if you haven’t paid your $50 game fee, please do so now using Venmo. Search for @ggrolar. If you don’t have Venmo, let GG know and he’ll open up the website pay wall for you.

That’s if for now. Very excited you’ve decided to join up for Sömmer Kamp and looking forward to all the amazing things you’ll accomplish!

Good luck and may the Füste be with you!