Week 5 Update . . .

Sömmer Kamp, where the updates get shorter each week . . .

  • New bonuses posted to the website . . .

  • Remember, one bonus per day, unless otherwise authorised by GG . . .

  • For all bonuses, you must report them as you complete them. Do not hold off on reporting a bonus so that you can stock pile bonuspunkte and use them to drop a hammer late in the game. That’s not a thing. So, make sure you report any bonus earnings within 24 hours of the activity completion.

  • Trippelts start Saturday so prepare yourself as game play set to ramp up in the final two weeks.

  • For those of you looking for your third Olympic ring of the much rumored Maesterbonus, make sure you get your three daily points through this Friday. If you got every daily point for the length of Doppelt play, you’ll earn your third ring (remember, first ring was daily points during Singelt play, second ring was/is get all five Fastentags . . .).

  • Great work on the Friday the 13th bonus last week, as well as the meteor shower late night viewing. GG is always surprised and pleased to see you guys embracing the extra opportunities!

  • Having said that, Saturday the 14th showed a considerable drop off in earning activities so let’s get saddled back up and ready to finish Sömmer Kamp from a point of collective strength. Finish strong!

That’s all for now. Did you read this? In the spirit of National Tell a Joke Day, send GG a joke and earn a +1p bonus for participation . . . And GG is not a sensitive soul so you don’t have to hold back on the joke content. Best one’s will possibly make it to the Füste Twitter feed.

Have a great Week 5 and talk again soon.