GG’s finally getting control over his verbosity with this update . . .
Olympic Bonus Events ended last night at 5pm. Hopefully you managed to score yourself some bonuspunkte and some medals. A number of Füsters got really creative to earn a Bronze with activities like Rhythmic Gymnastics (an apparent favorite), Weightlifting, Shooting, Beach Volleyball, and Trampoline! Pretty good stuff.
A couple of new bonuses have been added to the website for your enjoyment. One’s a crowd pleaser and the other’s been beefed up a bit to really challenge you. Good luck!
For those of you proactively sending in homework audits at the end of the week, GG says thank you and he’s very impressed by your dedication to the cause. Having said that, he’s been slow in getting the homework accountability piece going (probably because Sömmer and homework just do not go together). We’ll see if he can get things back on track this week . . .
Don’t forget today is Fastentag #3. Complete all 5 Fastentags to earn one of the 5 Rings of the Olympic Maesterbonus!
Nothing much else this week then to say excellent work by all and good luck on Week 4 (of 7)!
Griswalde Grolar