Closing it out . . .


Once again we come to the final week of a Füste event . . . and while this won’t be the last communication you get from GG, it will be the final update for the game.

  • Do not forget that Drachen-slayage begins tomorrow. You have seven days to put that big scaly bastard down so get to it! Don’t forget that all Drachen proposals must be approved by GG before you attempt the slayage. And don’t forget about the Drachen’s Tail for those hoping to earn the 5 (Olympic) Rings Maester Bonus!

  • Not a ton of Choose Your Own Adventure ideas have been floated to GG yet. But one that struck a chord comes to us from Squat Lobster. His idea (slightly modified by GG) is that you complete a singelt workout parameter dressed . . . wait for it . . . as either your Totemfüste or a long dog, your choice. Do this and earn a +3p CYOA bonus (pic or video proof sent to GG, of course).

  • Speaking of bonuses, all remaining game bonuses are now posted on the website and all are live through the end of the game (unless you’ve already completed them, that is). Remember, only one bonus per day can be earned so choose wisely (this rule does not apply to the give your friend some fruit bonus . . . that one can be combined with another bonus).

  • This Monday, August 30th will be the official make up day for anyone who missed a Fastentag day. You won’t get the +1p for completing it, but it will count towards the 5 Ring Maesterbonus, if you need it.

That’s it for now. Finish strong and we’ll talk again one more time before the Finalfüste! Have a great weekend and may the Füste be with you always!


Did you read this last update? Did you really? Then earn a +1p bonus by texting GG the answer to this very important riddle: What do long dogs say on October 31st?