Week 9: And then there were two (weeks) . . .


We’re in the final days now of Winterfüste 2022. It’s been a weird one as GG has tried a number of new things this year with some of them hitting and many missing (but such is life on the Spielbrett). As of today, we have 12 days left in the game and a four way tie for first place plus a fair number of players who are well within striking distance of that top tier finishing position. This is, as GG has mentioned before, completely unprecedented in the modern history of the Füste (this did happen once in 1912 with Thomas Edison, Alex Graham Bell and J.P. Morgan all came into the final week tied for first place but they settled it with a back alley knife fight and that’s not really am option these days). GG will be working on what now appears to be the inevitable need for a final show down on the Finalfüste so those at the top should be ready on the 12th for something radical . . .

Now on to the updates:

  • As we come into the final game period, it’s time to talk about your Drachenfüste. This is the monster bonus allowed at the end of the game that represents all the work and effort you’ve put in here over the last nine weeks. The Drachen is slayed when you, in a single event, complete an event that represents FIVE workout parameters. It’s meant to be enormous, difficult, and the hardest thing you do in the game (possibly the whole year). You can simply stack workouts together (e.g. complete the Singelt 5K run parameter x5 for a 25K event or ride your bike for the Singelt 45 min requirement x5) or combine different workouts (e.g. swim two Singelts, ride a bike for 45 minutes and then run a 10K). All Drachen proposals must be presented to GG for permission before proceeding. Drachen’s can be slayed starting this Saturday, March 5th through to the Finalefüste on March 12th.

  • And to that, let’s talk about the Drachenschwanz . . . In order to earn your final Olympic Ring and the associated +15p bonus, you have to add on a 6th workout parameter to your Drachen. That’s right, you heard GG! The Drachenschwanz (Dragon’s Tail) is meant to cap off the entire Winterfüste experience. It does not have to be completed as part of your Drachenfüste event but it does have to be completed on the same day and AFTER you’ve slayed your Drachen. Do it, cut off the tail of the Drachen and you’ll earn your fifth and final Olympic Ring!

  • GG feels that he may have overloaded the game this year with bonus play (Olympic bonuses, probably a bridge too far) and understanding the strain this has put on our non-shift working players (those who suffer the M-F, 9-5 lifestyle) he’s decided to stand down from March STRAVA bonus play. There’s plenty still to do in the game for everyone, even those vying for a podium position, so I don’t think this is a big loss.

  • Tomorrow is March 1st and whether you know it or not, it’s Füstenween! This is a pop-up bonus with a little bit of forewarning (mentioned last week). The bonus is pretty simple . . . dress up like your Totemfüste animal, send GG pic or video proof, score +3 bonuspunkte! After a long WF, GG is looking forward to seeing your creativity!

  • This weekend is the last KoG Weekly Assessment of the game. So just one more video to send off by Sunday evening to earn that last +3p bonus!

That’s if for now, Füsters! Have a great next to last week and hang in there! You’re almost able to return to pro-flank meat habits!