Sömmer Kamp Week 2 Update

Evening Füsters!

Week 1 has come to a close and we had a good, solid week of participation from everyone in the game. The group did excellent work in helping to maintain GG’s mental health by reporting accurately and early every day. Thanks for that!

Now for a quick update:

  • Homework parameters have increased so go check those on the homework page. Make sure you’re doing your sets each day because GG can guarantee that you won’t be able to successfully complete the last couple of weekend audits if you’re not putting the time in. One other thing of note, the push-up audit this weekend showed that a lot of folks haven’t reviewed the form videos on the homework page because there was entirely too much water-spidering going on. So go check out the videos and make sure you’re form is solid.

  • Under the Bonus drop down you’ll see “ASSESSMENT (1)” right at the top of the list. Please do not report this bonus. It’s not for the Startenfüste Assessment or anything else that’s been released. Sorry for any confusion there.

  • Trying something a little different with this week’s bonuses . . . you can combine them as a single event. For example, simply go for a hike at a park that’s out of your county and you can score both on the same day (thereby violating the sanctity of the “only one bonus per day” rule!) Just report one as the first bonus and the second as, uh, the second. That should be pretty simple.

Shockingly, not much else to say tonight so we’ll keep it short and sweet.

Have a great second week of Sömmer Kamp and keep up the good work!

Griswalde Grolar