Real quick update this week . . . the fasts are behind us (how’d you do? GG had a rough go of it this time 🤢) and the Cheat Day is right around the corner (new and improved this year with FIREWORKS!) so that means we’re almost half way through Sömmer Kamp. GG hopes you’re seeing some results by now but if not, no worried cause it’s time for . . .
Doppelt Workouts! Starting tomorrow (June 27th) and available daily through the end of the game, a Doppelt (i.e. double) workout is worth +2p and is accomplished either by completing a defined Doppelt workout (go here to review) or by completing two separate Singelts in one day. Good luck!
Last week GG asked you to pay a little more attention to the dates during your daily reporting and you guys killed it! GG didn’t have to fix a single report during Week 3! Thank you for your attention to detail 👍
You guys are also doing great with the weekend homework audits so keep that up to collect those +3p bonuses!
Some great Sömmer time activity were sent over to GG to earn your free drink point. GG’s seen some great water balloon ambushes, water slide fun, slip and slides, Füsters playing in sprinklers and going out for Sömmer picnics. Excellent work and hope you enjoyed the free drink.
New bonus for this week has been posted and homework has been updated.
And yes, don’t forget the 4th of July (where we celebrate our “freedom”, unless you’re a woman with working uterus then we just pretend . . . ) is your Cheat Day this year so prepare yourself to feel really gross next Monday!
That’s it for now. Thanks for being here and GG hopes you’re having a good Sömmer Kamp experience!