Hallo Füsters and willkommen to Week 2!

Hopefully everyone enjoyed Week 1 (soggy and cold as it was for most of us). Each Sunday night GG will provide a game update covering what’s coming for the next seven days, plus reflections on the past week. He’ll also try to address any FAQ’s or issues that popped up during game play.

So here goes:

  • First (and this wasn’t an issue, GG’s just being pro-active here), please remember that GG is only one person and the Füste is a literal labor of love. He has a regular full time job just like most of you and tries to have some semblance of a life, even during Winterfüste. This means that his communication back to you can often be sporadic. You’ll usually get a good response at the beginning of the day or the end of the day but that middle part can be a bit dicey. He does try to monitor the text feed for actual questions in case a Füster needs clarification or direction that same day but if it’s an acknowledgement of a workout or bonus, you’ll probably hear back early or later . . . thanks for your understanding.

  • Skwad Kombat seems to moving right along without any significant issues. Remember, there are 12 Skwads and as a result there will be 12 Füsters who win the +3p Lokale Legende bonus at the end of Periode II. That could be enough to take the whole game so you might want to pay attention to what your Skwad mates are doing! You need to win this first battle if you’re going to win the war!

  • If you haven’t noticed yet, GG is moving away from Twitter and starting to focus more on Instagram. Main reason being that the registration audit showed that a very high percentage of Füsters have an IG account while only a mid range number have a Twitter account. So, makes sense to go where the Füsters are . . . That being said, GG’s still figuring out the best way to use IG to it’s full effect. As with everything with the Füste, your patience is greatly appreciated.

  • There’s been some confusion around the new Periode based bonus system so GG did some work on the bonus page (go HERE) and he hopes the edits will clear things up. Basically, there are two bonuses that you have to (or can) complete by the end of each week. The first is the “lucky friend gift”. Each week you can give only one gift to one friend. If you miss the opportunity for that specific week, you can’t make it up. The second is the Scavenger Hunt bonus. This one’s a little different in that you have to complete each week to be able to get the clue for the next week. Earn this bonus for all nine weeks and you earn the +3p completion bonus. Other than those two, all other bonuses either have to be completed by the end of each Periode (the first game period, Periode I, ends on Jan. 22nd) or they have some other time parameter that’s clearly spelled out on the bonus page.

  • Speaking of bonuses, two new Periode I bonuses have been added to the bonus page (link above in blue) so go check em out. And several players have asked about the bonus tracking sheet that GG put out last year. As soon as he can find some spare time, GG will put this together for the Füsters. Possibly early this coming week.

  • Don’t forget to do your homework as you’re only two weeks out from your first Mid-Term (and associated bonus). And no, GG will not accept the excuse that a long dog ate your home work.

  • And please don’t forget, this week’s big event is the first Fastentag of Winterfüste. Starting Wednesday at midnight, you’ll need to complete a full 24 hour, clear liquid-only fast if you want to earn the +1p bonus and be eligible for the full completion bonus in a couple weeks. You’ll report off on this week’s Fastentag on Thursday morning, Jan. 12th.

That’s it for now. Looks like those of us playing in NorCal are in for another wet and wild week of game play. GG can’t remember the last time a Füste event had torrential rain for days plus lightening and thunder and all that good stuff. Makes you with for the warm days and nights of Sömmer Kamp, no?

Have a great Week 2 and as always, may the Füste be with you!