Sömmer Kamp 2023!

Evening Füsters!

Welcome to the 2023 edition of Sömmer Kamp, a Füsting event designed for only the most dedicated and extreme of Füsters. Winterfüste is hard enough on its own but throw the long warm days of Summer on top of things along with the proclivity to want to cool off those warm days by lazing about in a hammock with an ice cold adult beverage in your hand and not only do you have the perfect breeding ground for flank meat but also a landscape designed to make Füsting as difficult as humanly possible (which is why only about one quarter of those who play the game in the cold months have the fortitude to take it on in the hot ones). So let GG be the first to complement you on the journey you’re about to embark on. Few would walk this road willingly!

Most reading this already know how the game is played but it never hurts to review the Rule Book for game changes and updates (go HERE to make quick work of it). To help the Füsters ease into the next eight weeks, GG has put together a list of new information and requirements that you’ll want to pay strict attention to . . . so let’s get it on!

  • Game play starts tomorrow at 6am . . . that means no more sugar or alcohol till Labor Day weekend . . . and get ready to run, ride, swim or whatever you do to earn that punkte.

  • First things first, make sure to weigh yourself and text GG a pic of what you’re starting with (please, for the love of all that is holy, wear socks in the pic). For Sömmer Kamp we’ll be awarding a new final title of Schlankfüster to the player that loses the largest amount of flank meat!

  • This first weekend is easy . . . the only bonus opportunity will be the ICE BUCKET ALLOWANCE. That’s right, you heard GG. You thought you were going to get off lightly because it’s Sömmer and there aren’t any frozen lakes to jump into? You thought wrong, my friend. As a little nod to Winterfüste, you have the first 72 hours of game play to put a couple gallons of water in a bucket along with a bag of ice and dump it over your head. Some very specific rules here so listen up. The amount of water and ice must be sizable . Do not fill a small cooking pot with some water and handful of ice. You will get nowhere fast with this approach. Couple gallons in a paint bucket, bag of ice, get some help to dump it on yourself if needed (although beware those who would volunteer to help and then visit upon you the dreaded “slow pour”). You’re head must be completely wetted by the ice and water. Text GG a video of the event and you’ll earn your first +3p bonus of the game!

  • Don’t want to bonus but still want to feel like you’re being competitive? This Sömmer Kamp we’re going to try an experiment. Anyone who wants to play the game with daily points only (food, drink, exercise) can compete for the title of Punkteführer, awarded to the player who has the greatest total of non-bonus points at the end of the game. It’s not quite the same as the Bestenfüste but it’s still one heck of an achievement (you can still score bonus points when you want and you’ll still be listed on the Bestenliste). This has been a request in GG’s suggestion box for a while so he thought he’d give it a shot this Sömmer.

  • Singelt workouts only this weekend! But another new feature of this game will be that distance totals will be tracked and the player who travels the farthest distance by the last day of game play will be awarded the title of Distanzfüster! More to come on this addition but just know that the farther you walk, run, bike, swim or whatever, the more chance you’ll have at earning this new title!

  • No homework this weekend but it’s probably still a good idea to get some pushups and situps in to see where you’re body’s at . . .

  • Sömmer Kamp has eight fasting days scheduled (every Monday starting four days) for your enjoyment. Water only fasts from dawn to dusk will earn you +1p each Monday and if you finish all eight then you’ll earn an additional +3p bonus!

  • Similar to last Winterfüste’s scavenger hunt, this Sömmer Kamp includes a “Challenge Course” where each week you’ll be required to complete a fairly simple, Sömmer themed activity (with proof sent to GG) to earn even more bonuspunkte. More to come on this soon!

Next game update will be this Sunday night when GG will release Week 1’s bonuses, your first homework assignments and details on Week 1 of the Sömmer Kamp Challenge Course. So a lot more to come soon. In the meantime, just do your thing. No sugar or processed foods, no alcohol, and get outside and exercise (again, please check the Rule Book to make sure you have the most up to date information on the Singelt exercise parameters; there might be a surprise or two in there). Remember, first report is due on Saturday, July 8th, by noon. You’ll be reporting on your activities completed tomorrow (you will always report on the activity from the day before).

That’s it for now. GG is so pleased to have you in the game and knows you will do an amazing job over the next eight weeks!

As always, may the Füste be with you!