SK23 Week 1

Evening Füsters and welcome to Week 1 of Sömmer Kamp!

Hopefully you all had a good weekend and didn’t leave any punkte behind for Krampus to find (yes, that diabolical fiend is active off season!) . . . GG is pretty much referring to the Ice Bucket Allowance. You can still get it done tonight and claim your +3p bonus on tomorrow’s DRT. You know what to do!

Now for Week 1 details:

  • Bonuses have been released (go HERE). Please pay attention to the information in the descriptions. Two of this week’s bonuses are only valid through next Sunday, July 16th (that’s the Sömmer Challenge Course and Treppenfüste Week 1 bonuses). After Sunday, those punkte will no longer be available to score.

  • Sömmer Skul Homework has been assigned (go HERE). Remember, to pass the Midterm, you’re going to need to do your homework! And no “the long dog ate it” excuses either (although there’s no doubt that if it was edible, a long dog would eat it).

  • Tomorrow (Monday, July 10th) is the first dawn to dusk Fastentag (fasting day). Clear liquids only until the sun goes down at approximately 20:35 hours (8:35PM). Prepare to get hangry!

That’s it for tonight. We’ll keep this one short and sweet. Hope you are all feeling good after a couple days off the sugar and sauce and have some sore muscles from giving your flank me what for. Have a great Week 1 and GG will catch up with you on the flip side!


PS . . . There’s a slight typo on the Periode 1 Bonus Tracking Sheet that GG sent out. The Ice Bucket Allowance is only worth +3p, not +4p. GG’s got fat fingers right now. It’s why we Füste!