Hallo Füsters!
You’ll be glad to hear that GG doesn’t have a lot for you tonight so he’ll keep this update short and to the point. Here goes:
Tomorrow (Jan. 14th) is your second Fastentag of the game so clear liquids only from dawn to dusk.
New bonuses are available on the Bonus page. Remember that some bonuses are only good for the week, others are good through the end of the Periode and the Snow Angel is good for the whole game. But you can only complete each bonus once (whether it’s once that week or once that Periode). Please make sure to read the rules associated with each Bonus so you don’t get confused when reporting on the DRT.
You can earn your second card of your poker hand this week . . . check the Bonus page for more details!
Overall, GG is very happy with how this Füste event is going so far. While there’s been some mild hick-ups in reporting, overall things are going very smoothly. GG really appreciates that everyone is listening to GG’s feedback and being very pro-active in their gameplay. Thank you all so much!
Have a great Week 2 and may the Füste be with you!