Hallo Füsters!
Week 3 is nearly upon us and that means that game Periode I is coming to an end next Sunday, Jan. 28th (basically the first third of Winterfüste will have been completed!). As you move into Week 3, ask yourself if you’ve been performing to the level you had hoped and if not, time to double down. There’s still 7 weeks of the game left and that’s plenty of time to put a significant dent in your flank meat! If your game has slipped, time to re-engage for the win!
As game Periode I is ending next weekend, that means you have only this week to complete the following Individual Bonus Allowances: Parkenfüste #1, 3 in a Row aka Class Time, Wanderungfüste aka Climb #1 and most importantly the Polar Plunge (that’s right, this is your final week to get cold and wet and earn that big +5p personal bonus!). After this week, these four bonuses will disappear and will not be available during Periode II or III. And don’t forget there’s also the weekly Stairs and Long Winter Wog to take care of as well as a couple new bonuses just for Week 3. Go HERE to review what you can do to finish out Periode I in a position of power!
Just a quick comment about Haus Bonuses . . . GG may not have made it clear but Haus bonuses play a little different then Individual bonuses. All weekly Haus bonuses are due by the end of that week! Unlike the Individual bonuses, there’s no carry over for any of the Haus Bonuses. For instance, Week 1 had Dekorationfüste as a Haus Bonus. That bonus was only good for Week 1 and did not carry forward to Week 2 or 3. This week there’s the Sponsorfüsten Haus bonus and it’s only available through next Sunday! The Haus bonus game is designed to be more immediate and contained week over week . . .
We have a special bonus opportunity this week with the first full moon of 2024. Don’t make plans for the night of the 25th cause GG will have something for you to do after dark! More details coming later this week!
And while we’re on the topic of special bonuses, you only have 10 days to go to earn that Dry January bonus so keep it together, Füsters! And just to remind yourself why you’re doing this, go ahead and palpate your liver (just stick your fingers up under the right side of your ribcage). Hey, look at that! The pain and swelling are gone and your overused liver is once again happy, pink and healthy! Imagine that!
Homework parameters have gone up slightly again so get on those pushups, situps and squats! We’re not far from the Mid Term!
For Scavenger Hunt #3, here’s your assignment: find a blue or white car (parked) and knock out 30 squats next to it. Send GG video proof to earn that bonuspunkte for your Haus!
Fastentag #3 is tomorrow. No food from sun-up to sun-down . . . after that, only 6 more hangry days to go!
That’s it for now. Keep up the amazing work, Füsters! You guys are really killing it so far this Füste!