WEEK 6: Trippelt Time!

Evening Füsters!

Only two weeks of Sömmer Kamp left and it’s time to drop the hammer! This final period of the game is fairly brutal but worth every punkte as it’s going to knock your flank meat out cold!

Here’s your update:

  • Week 6 means a 10.5 mile stroll, 100 flight of stairs. You know what to do.

  • Final Climb Bonus is here and with it will come a big +10p completion bonus (and yes, it’s really +10p for this one)!

  • A completely new never seen before bonus opportunity is introduced this week too . . . go find the details HERE.

  • And not to bury the lead but yes, Trippelts are now in play through the Finalfüste (Aug. 30th). So that means ether do three seperate Singelts or a Singelt/Doppelt combo or you can go to the Schmerzenfüste page and review each exercise for its Trippelt parameters (e.g. the running Trippelt is 7 miles which is considerably less then doing three back to back running Singelts, if you’re tracking GG here). This week you can do 3 Trippelts. That means the other four days of the week can be split between 2 Doppelts and 2 Singelts.

  • Tomorrow night is the second and last Full Moon bonus of the game. This year it’s a Super Blue Sturgeon Moon (which is a mouthful). Earn your +1p bonus by getting outside under the full moon and walking one mile in either an all blue outfit or dressed as a strugeon (if you’re into that kind of thing). So, some clarity here too. The goal is yes, to get out when the moon is actually in the sky but if you can’t make that work then just get out there after sunset. Try and take a pic of the moon to send to GG and also a pic of yourself in whatever outfit you chose!

That’s it for tonight! Keep pushing forward, Füsters! You’re almost there and the next two weeks are pivotal in your campaign agains your flank meat! Stay strong and push through all the way to the Finalefüste!