Update August 13th

Morning Füsters . . . see anything cool in the sky last night? Hopefully the smoke wasn't too bad where you were and you got to see the Perseid's do their thing!

Now let's talk about Week 6 (less than two weeks of Sömmer Kamp left):

  • Your Hausaufgaben Assignment for Week 6 is to complete three rounds of the following: 12 standard push-ups, 25 sit-ups (do not secure your feet), 35 air squats (or 75 second wall-hold) and a 60 second plank, take a 1 minute break, do a 2nd 60 second plank (yep, you can do it). You'll want to practice this assignment at least three times this week.
  • Two HG Days this week, one on Tuesday and you guessed it, one on Friday. Dawn to dusk. Tuesday 6:24am to 8:05pm and Friday 6:27am to 8:01pm. 
  • Invites will be going out for the Finalfüste soon so please make sure to RSVP so GG has a good headcount for the Finale Konfrontation. Given how close the Gruppen game has been, we'll need all hands on deck to make this the battle it deserves to be. And don't worry, GG promises a much improved FK experience over last Winterfüste . . . that kind of fell apart. We've got a great venue to fit the Sömmer Kamp theme and there will be some serious down and dirty game play so mentally prepare yourself now!
  • Drachen proposals are due not later than end of business day on this Friday. So get em in so GG can you give you the thumb's up (and hopefully not down). Remember, this is about pushing yourself into new and scary territory (which you can totally handle) so figure it out and send it over!

Alright, that's enough for now. Have a great week and as always, may the Füste be with you.