Hallo Füsters!
Week 3 is here and your flank meat is most likely starting to notice that something isn’t right. After months of gluttonous holiday excess and unconstrained sloth, your body and metabolism should be tightening things up and making that extra meat you’ve been carrying around a little uncomfortable. Good. As Herr Doctor Mediziner Schneebärtchen always said, “Schnönheit its Schmerz” (beauty is pain) and your current and practiced self-destruction is an expression of that beauty.
Now on with some updates:
FEE PAYMENT: 99% of the you have paid your game fee and GG thanks you for your support of the Füste. The other 1% who are now free loading on GG’s good graces, you will soon be dead to him . . .
HOMEWORK: It seems that everyone has finally grasped the homework concept and is well at it. Remember, no daily proof (or punkte) is associated with the Qualkammer homework. You earn your +1p reward by completing an audit at the end of the week (audit = video of one Qualkammer). And to that effect, the Week 3 Qualkammer parameter has been updated (click here).
REPORTING: The Füsters continue to an amazing job at reporting off daily. GG really couldn’t be more pleased. Keep it up. The earlier in the day you report the better (you will never bother GG with an early morning report). One thing of note . . . if you report off late in the day for an isolated bonus activity, you may not see those punkte on that night’s Bestenliste totals. Late punkte is difficult for GG to add to the accounting system on the same day . . .
BONUSES: New IBA and GBAs have been posted to the Bonuspunkte page (click here).
HUNGRIGER GEIST: It’s time to ratchet up the general brutality of the fast. This week sees the 48 hour stacked HG experience. Starting tonight at midnight, complete two back to back 24 hour fasts. Earn +1p for each completed day of fasting and take one step closer towards your HG full completion bonus of +5p. And yes, Wednesday and Friday are still Fastentag days with a clear liquid fast from dawn to dusk for +0.5p each.
HOLIDAY LINK: Tomorrow is MLK Day. Click here and take 15 minutes out of your busy day to watch the iconic “I Have a Dream” speech. No bonus associated with this reflection on social justice. GG will just leave it here for you as needed.
Did you read this update? Did you really? With Monday’s report off for the weekend, send GG the Herr Doktor Mediziner Schneebartchen’s quote from above and earn a +1p bonus for fully engaging in the Füste.
That’s all for now. Have a great Week 3 and as always, möge die Füste Macht mit dir sein.
Griswalde Grolar