Three and half weeks into WF2020 and flank meat everywhere is in clear and present danger! GG’s heard rumors of +10 pound losses already (and counting)! This is exactly why we Füste! Keep it up!
Tomorrow begins the incredibly brutal 72 hour “stacked” Hungriger Gheist event. Three full days (starting tonight of midnight) of fasting. Clear liquids only, Master Cleanse drink strongly recommended. Keep a close eye on yourself and make sure you don’t overdue it. Day 2 is usually the most brutal so if you can make it to Wednesday morning, you should be G2G. Remember that each independent day is worth +1p, so if you end only doing one or two days you’ll still earn some bonuspunkte. But you have to do all three if you’re angling for the big bonus on Wednesday at midnight (if you did all six HG days, that is). Good luck all!
No new bonuses this week. GG’s going to let the game marinate a bit before the halfway point next weekend . . .
And speaking of the halfway point, couple things to mention. For you Neo-Füstes, the halfway point of the game is also known at your Betrügentag (or “cheat day”) and on this special day you may eat, drink, and lay around like a Fluffenfüste without repercussions. Yes, this means for one day only you can reintroduce back into your body the poisons that are sugar, processed foods and alcohol. But be warned! As many a past Füster has learned the hard way, your system is clean (hopefully) and this toxic krap is going to make you feel far worse than you can ever imagine. So, moderation is the watchword on your Betrügentag. Trust in GG! But there’s the catch this year. As it happens, the Betrügentag often falls on or near the very American “holiday” known as Super Schüssel Sunday (SSS). This is, in fact, scheduled for next Sunday, Feb. 2nd. Because few things bring GG as much pleasure as torturing the Totemfi around this event, he’s got an offer for you. You may choose to take your cheat day on Sunday, watch the game and stuff yourself like a long dog with unlimited access to the chow bowl and no harm will come to you. However, you may alternatively choose to take your cheat day on Saturday Feb. 1st instead and thereby earn yourself a +3p bonus (and obviously the normal Füsting rules are back in effect on Super Schüssel Sunday for anyone who chooses to take this bonus). So it’s up to you: be a gross out American schwein on football day, no problem, you’re covered by the cheat day and you can hog out to your heart’s content. But choose instead to be a smart and strong Füster, deny yourself the gluttonous excesses of SSS (and still cheat to your heart’s content on Saturday!) and you’ll earn a little extra something (and GG’s respect as well). Choose wisely!
Don’t forget this weekend’s audit is due tonight. Don’t pass up on an easy +1p bonus. Send GG video proof of one Week 3 Qualkammer and earn that bonuspunkte. Techno challenged cause you just can’t be an Apple flavored lemming like the rest of us? Ask GG for the Drop Box link to upload your audit.
Because GG heard you loud and clear, couple of one day bonuses coming up this week. Apparently the Füsters approve of these time limited bonus events and GG aims to please so stay tuned.
Travel has been a bit of a bär for GG so far this Füste and for that he apologizes. He’s been on the road a lot more than past Füstes, to include this week. So if you don’t hear back from him, just keep reporting each day as usual and he’ll get back to you when he can. On travel weeks it seems like a game update every 48 hours is establishing itself as the standard. We’ll see.
That’s it for now. Don’t forget to send in your answer to the red rat riddle and your time lapsed meditation video for the +3p bonus. Lot’s more game play to come. Have a great Week 4 and as always, may the Füste be with you (but not your flank meat).
Griswalde Grolar