Alright Füsters, we’ve reached the midpoint of the game and most of you are probably experiencing a little bit of regret today over how you handled your Betrügentag yesterday. Be that as it may, the game now continues into its back half and we now switch focus from starving our flank meat to beating it into submission with more and more Schmerzenfüste!
It’s time to crank up the pressure with Doppelt Schmerzenfüsten! Starting Monday, Feb. 3rd, you may double your daily workout for double the punkte, four times a week (yes, this is different than past Füstes). Double workouts take two forms. Either complete two single workouts in one day (e.g. run a 5K and swim for 35 minutes) or double a single workout parameter based on the guidelines in the Regelbuch (e.g. run a 10K or walk for 90 min; click here to review the updated Schmerzenfüste section of the Regelbuch). Again, you may do this only four times a week for the next three weeks. Complete a Doppelt workout and earn +2p.
Because many of you have asked for it, we’re going to continue on with the Fastentag days. So, Wednesday and Friday, earn +0.5 punkte for completing a fast from sun-up to sun-down. No final bonus associated with this, just the daily half punkte bonus. GG’s happy to hear that you’re finding value and results from these intermittent fasting days!
Homework continues this week with the Wk5 Qualkammer. Click here to check it out. 180 Burpens have been added to the work list so make sure to review the video for proper form. They’re not easy but practice and you’ll get it down. And audits will return next weekend for an increased bonus of +2p for video proof sent to GG.
New bonuses are now posted (click here). And the Anderefüste Bonus Allowance has reset for February so you may now repeat that bonus.
That’s it for now, Füsters. Outstanding work on the front half of WF2020. Don’t forget that the Finalefüste Event is scheduled for the afternoon of March 7th in the Sonoma area. That’s five weeks from yesterday. Keep up the hard work in the coming weeks and remember, no mercy for the flank meat as it would to the same to you if it could!
And as always, may the Füste be with you . . .