Hallo Füsters,
GG hopes this game update finds you happy and healthy and enjoying the Füste experience. By now you should have seen a small decrease in your overall body weight, averaging 1 to 1.5 pounds per week for the first two weeks. If you haven’t, then you need to consider a couple of things. Are you exercising to the full extent of your ability, giving each day the attention and time it needs to earn your punkte (including completing your homework)? Are you holding true to the Foodenfüste parameters? If yes and you’re still not seeing a weight shift, take a look at portion size and start to back things down. Regardless, we still have eight (mein Gott) weeks of game play left so there is plenty of time to kick things into gear and capture the results you’re hoping for . . .
Speaking of health, we’ve so far had two Füsters retire from the game after contracting COVID-19 (and we wish them a speedy recovery and return to full health). Please be careful in everything you do and above all else wear your mask when in public. We are nowhere near the end of this pandemic and your care and caution will go a long way in keeping yourself and your loved ones safe. And since we’re on the topic of the Rona, there is a very strong possibility (GG calculates better than 85%) that we will not have an in-person Finalfüste Event this year. The odds that the pandemic will be under control in eight weeks and that restrictions on in-person gatherings will be lifted by March 13th are slim to none. But do not fear, GG is working on a Skwäd based competition that will take place out in the world on that final weekend and will provide a sense of closure to Winterfüste. Let’s just say that you and your Skwäd mates are going to be put to the test on an individual and group basis and if you think you’re going to win the Bestenskwädron title then you best get your homework done and earn all the Schmerzenpunkte you can between now and then. GG doesn’t want to scare you but . . . oh, who are we kidding, GG absolutely wants to scare you if that’s what it takes for you to excel!
Moving on . . . there are new Individual Bonus Allowances posted on the Bonus page of the website (you know the way) as well as an update to the Skwäd Plankenfüste Allowance requirements. And GG can guarantee there will be at least one Aufblitzen Bonus opportunity this week (remember, these are the one day bonus events, e.g. last week’s dress up your pet day).
One note of clarity, it seems that GG has confused some Füsters around the reporting of bonuses. To be clear, all bonus play that requires proof is sent directly to GG via text, if possible (our non-iPhone friends have a Dropbox folder to upload videos to because, well, let’s not get into it here . . . ). When you send proof of an Individual Bonus Allowance, you don’t have to do anything special. But when you send proof of a Skwädron Bonus Allowance (currently pics of long dogs or a Plankenfüste video or last week’s pic of your pet), GG is asking that you note your Skwäd name in your text. This will help GG immensely with his mental health over the next two months. And a happy and healthy GG has benefits for all. To be clear, the weekend homework audit in which you send GG proof of one completed Qualkammer (whoops, did you forget to do that this weekend?? 🤦🏻♂️), that’s an individual event, not a Skwäd event so no need to identify your Skwäd when sending over those videos.
Also . . .
HOLIDAY LINK: Tomorrow is MLK Day. Click here and take 15 minutes out of your busy day to watch his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech. No bonus associated with this reflection on social justice. GG will just leave it here for you as needed and given the events of 2020, he suggests everyone take the time on this one.
One more thing . . . GG will make a special announcement on Tuesday night regarding Wednesday’s game play. He’ll send it out via text so that no one misses it.
That’s it for now. Please stay safe this week as it might be another rough one. Keep up the hard work and don’t let talking heads on a television or voices on the radio get you down or freaked out. We are all in this together and if nothing else, GG is happy you’re here with him this Winter.
May the Fùste be ever with you,