Hallo Füsters,
Week 1 of WF2021 is behind us and GG can hardly express how impressed he is by what he’s been witnessing. Game play this year has been extraordinary. A record 82% of all Füsters earned their +3p Eisschmerze Challenge bonus. Almost half of the players are still ranked in the top three slots on the Bestenliste with a whopping 40 out of 122 Füsters tied for first place (after having earned every possible point available in Week 1). GG doesn’t want to jinx it but he’s seeing a game for the ages developing . . .
Now, on with the update:
Game play begins in earnest during Week 2 with the introduction of a number of Individual and Skwädron bonus opportunities. Go HERE (please at least review the Anderefüste Allowance bonus rules; lost of questions about that one this week).
Skwäd play comes on-line this week, starting tomorrow, Monday, Jan. 11th. A reminder about how this works. Each day each Skwäd member’s Schmerzenpunkte is added to their Skwäd’s total (not their Foodenpunkte or Drunkenpunkte). So that means that exercise is where it’s at for Skwäd points. If you don’t go out and Schmerzenfüste then you might as well have just slipped a knife between the ribs of your Skwäd mates. There are also Skwädron bonus opportunities (but you should have reviewed those already). All earned Skwäd punkte are divided by the number of members on the Skwäd so we’re going to see some interesting math along the way. Because of that, GG will commit to updating the Skwädron Bestenliste only twice a week.
Fasting ramps up with a +0.5p Fastentag Day on both Tuesday and Friday. Get hangry both days for a total +1p bonus this week. Another important point on fasting. If you are a shift worker or traveling for business, you may ask GG for permission to move a fasting day to a new date. Rules here are simple: you have to complete the fasting day within the same week as the originally scheduled day (remember, Füste week’s begin on Monday and end on Sunday). GG allows this because there are a large number of hospital based workers who Füste and given the impact that COVID is having in our facilities, far be it for GG to deny these hardworking heroes their much needed grub.
This week introduces an all new concept to the Füste: Meatless Mondays. As always, GG is trying to be socially responsible and Earth friendly. Come along for the ride by NOT eating any meat or meat products on Mondays for the remainder of the Füste. So vegetarian diet only. Pull this off and earn +0.5p for each Monday that you murder veggies instead of animals (emoji thumb’s up).
Week 2’s homework increases your daily pain buy just that much more. Go HERE to see how. Then, starting next weekend, you will be required to provide GG a video audit of one Qualkammer (due by Sunday at 5pm PST). That’s it, video a complete Qualkammer and text to GG. Do this, and starting in February, you’ll earn +1p bonus. Don’t do this, take the punkte hit and also get on the Geschäftsführer’s radar (a place you don’t want to be). And speaking of video . . .
To my non-Apple product using friends . . . your continuing resistance to assimilate to Steve Jobs’ plan for world domination continues to be a pain in GG’s rear. As you are most assuredly aware, you phones will not reliably text GG video. So any bonus that requires video proof (e.g. the homework audit above) becomes a real scheisse show. As a result, GG is going to send my little group of misfits links to Dropbox and Google File folders, in which they can submit their videos. May Gott have mercy on your souls.
A note on day to day operations. You may have noticed that some of the new efficiencies that GG has instituted this year are leading to a much earlier in the day posting of an updated Bestenliste. One repercussion of this, if you do not report by noon, you will most likely not see your points on that afternoon’s Bestenliste. And by all rights (and by the almighty power of the Regelbuch), you may not see those points at all because if you don’t report by noon, you’re in danger of forfeiting yesterday’s points. Another time related impact, any bonus proof sent to GG after noon will most likely not show until the next day’s posting of the Bestenliste, for obvious reasons.
And speaking of bonuses etc., here’s the breakdown of all available punkte for Week 1:
+21 total daily punkte
+1p for completion of Startenfüste Assessment
+3p for completion of Eisschmerze Challenge
+0.5p for completion of first Fastentag day on Friday, Jan. 8th.
+1p for Sieben Tage Bonus (having earned all 3 daily punkte for the first 7 days of the game)
Total punkte available for Week 1: +26.5p . . . how many did you earn?
That’s if for now. Be on the look out for a couple of Aufblitzen Bonus opportunities this week . . . what are those? You’ll see.
As always, may the Füste be with you.
Griswalde Grolar