Evening Füsters!
GG knows you’ve been inundated with a lot of words on screens in prep for the Füste so he’ll try to keep this week’s update concise (fat chance but his heart is always in the right place).
Here we go:
Excellent work using the new Daily Reporting Tool. GG couldn’t be more pleased. The only issue we had today was a number of Füsters put the wrong date on their report. This caused a couple of heart stopping moments earlier but it’s all worked out. So please, big learning here, make sure you put the correct date in when you report, which will always be day before’s date.
Another small issue from Day 1’s reporting. GG noted several Füsters reported having fasted and entered the appropriate points. To be clear, you can fast any day you’d like during Winterfüste, but you can only get points on the designated fasting days. This is covered in the Rule Book HERE (and the days are also listed on the official calendar available at the bottom of the Home Page and as a download to your phone or computer).
And to that, this Friday will be the official beginning of the fasting regimen with the first Fastentag Day. Remember, Fastentag Days are clear liquid only fasts from dawn to dusk and they earn you +0.5p.
Some of you may have noticed that on the game calendar the next five days are listed as Spulwöche. This is a term for a general cleanse. The idea here is for you to start easing off the 2020 throttle. Reduce the size of your portions by 1/3. If you’re so inclined, try a multi day cleanse (but not a “juice” cleanse as they are a source of an enormous amount of sugar). Fast if you want to, drink tons of water. Just try to prepare your body for the coming weeks by reducing intake and flushing out waste. GG has limited bonusplay during this time so you can exclusively focus on yourself.
The question around downhill skiing as Schmerzenfüste has been raised once again by several Füsters. Here’s the official ruling. Downhill skiing is unquestionably a workout. But it’s also a tremendous amount of fun. Which isn’t what Schmerzenfüste is about at its core (schmerze actually translates from the German as “pain” so . . . ). There is also the issue of cost and the fact that not everyone can afford a day on the slopes. So a couple of years ago GG put the ban on it and it stands today. If you want to earn Schmerzenpünkte while wearing long, skinny rails of carbon strapped to your feet, try cross-country skiing. If your heart doesn’t explode right out of your chest, you’ll earn +1p for a daily workout lasting 45min (it’s in the Rule Book).
A quick note on an off-book rule. Some of you are athletes who regularly complete long distance training events. These are the runners and cyclists and folks who spend hours on the road, trail or in the saddle. For this kind of Schmerzenfüste, it may be necessary to fuel with carbs or products containing sugars. In some instances, it’s that or face the dreaded “bonk”, which can actually be dangerous (GG has bonked more times than he cares to admit). Therefore, if you’re one of the long distance maniacs who has a fueling regimen that works for you, do you what you need to do. If you’re running a half marathon, GG’s not too concerned if you use an energy chew or drink to get you home in one piece. But make good choices. This allowance is not a green light to take down a sleeve of Oreo’s just cause you ran a 10K.
For those who have Füsted before, a gentle reminder of a game change. There’s no weekly day off this Winterfüste. All game days are eligible for Schmerzenpunkte.
A note on general comms: GG will do his best to answer emails and texts in a timely fashion. However, please remember that the Füste is still a one man show and it may be several hours before you get a response. Hopefully this possible delay won’t impact your game play.
And finally, don’t forget to complete your Startenfüste Assessment by Monday night (Jan. 4th). It’s worth a +1p bonus (added to everyone’s score on Tuesday the 5th).
That does it for Week 1’s update. Again, this is a fairly quiet week meant to ease you in to what’s to come. GG’s glad you’re here.
Griswalde Grolar