Let the Games Begin!

Hallo Füsters!

As promised, today sees the release of a large number of bonus opportunities. Some are the classic bonus allowances you are already familiar with and then there’s the Olympic Bonus Events (valid only during the dates of the XXXII Olympiad) and the new STRAVA Group Bonus Challenges (all details HERE). As per the normal Füste tradition, more bonuses will be dropped weekly but for now you’ve got plenty of ways to earn extra punkte to get out there and do something!

A couple things to remember. You may only complete one bonus allowance or challenge a day, unless otherwise noted by GG. So that goes for both the classic individual bonuses and the new Olympic bonuses. And please remember that all bonus activity will now be logged on your Daily Reporting Tool. If you don’t log it, you won’t get the punkte (with the exception of the STRAVA Group Challenges, which are automatically collated by the system so nothing to do there but go out and get your complete your daily activities).

And just so we’re all clear, here’s an example of how you’d report:

Let’s say that you choose to start out the Olympic bonus period today by earning a Silver Medal in Track and Field and completing the 5000m Olympic Bonus Event challenge. Tomorrow morning you will enter this in your Daily Reporting Tool in the Bonus Completed text box. For Olympic bonuses, alway note the color of the medal you earned and the event completed, so you’d describe this as “Silver 5000m Run” and then select the +2p in the Bonuspunkte drop down box. If on the rare occasion you are allowed to complete more than one bonus on a given day, you can simply enter both in the Bonus Completed text box (e.g. “Silver 5000m Run, 1 Mile Torch Run”) and then make sure to add up the total points in the Bonuspunkte drop down box (so, +2 for the 5000m run and +1 for the Torch Run so enter a +3p total for your earned Bonuspunkte). Should be fairly simple. GG knows this a change from WF reporting and it’s definitely experimental so let’s just see how this goes . . .

Also, for those couple of players who have not paid their game fee, GG is assuming you were waiting for the website pay portal to open because you don’t have Venmo. So, problem solved and you can now go HERE to pay the fee.

If you have any questions at all about the information above, please let GG know.

Alright, that’s it for today! Have a great weekend and go out there and earn some bonuspunkte!

Griswalde Grolar