Week 2 Update

Guten tag, Füsters! Hope everyone had a great weekend and got a chance to win some Olympic bonus medals! Nothing like seeing that little emoji next to your name on the Bestenliste! Smells like . . . victory.

Folks have been peppering GG with some good questions over the last couple of days and he wanted to provide everyone visibility to the answers . . . so here goes.

  • Once you’ve earned a medal in a certain category, that’s it. You can’t earn that medal again. Meaning (and for example), you can’t earn a Silver for running 5000m more than once. Earn your running Silver, move on to the next medal. Make sense?

  • New classic bonuses go live each Sunday . . . so this week, you get Wanderingfüste and the midnight workout bonus, both starting on the 25th. They are then valid for completion through the end of the game. So next batch of classic bonuses will be released next Sunday and they too will be valid through Sept. 3rd. And so on . . .

  • Remember to pay close attention to posted rules. A few of you (and GG will not name names) did not understand that all Olympic bonus runs and walks must be completed on a track and not out in the wild (or on a treadmill). For those who missed this important detail, GG is going to give you a one time pass for this weekend and let you keep your medals (however, you will be challenged to do something extra later in the game to make up for this).

  • Homework begins today (Monday, July 26th). Go to the homework page HERE to find out what you need to be doing. Audits will start next Sunday.

  • Don’t forget that today is the first Fastentag of Sömmer Kamp. That means no solid food from dawn till dusk (approximately 08:26pm).

  • GG has discovered an issue with the STRAVA Group Bonus structure on the STRAVA website and will most likely have to delete and reissue at least one of the bonuses. So if you get an invite to something you’ve already joined, that’s why. Just rejoin and hopefully things will work the way they’re supposed to moving forward.

  • GG will also be making adjustments to some of the lengths in the Gold Medal category. Somehow he managed to make things grossly uneven between the different regimens so he either needs to greatly increase the run distance or decrease everything else.

That’s if for now. So far, the new self report feature for bonuses is going really well! You guys are doing an amazing job. Keep it up and GG just might survive this Füste mentally intact!

Hope you guys have a great week!