Week 3 Update

Hallo Füsters . . .

Nothing GG likes more than a quick and painless update. Here goes.

  • You’ve got 8 more days of eligibility for the Olympic Bonuses. Just a reminder.

  • Don’t forget that Fastentag #2 is tomorrow, Aug. 2nd. No food from dawn to dusk.

  • Doppelt exercise parameters begin this Wednesday the 4th so prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the game to shift up a notch (this also means that for anyone who scored all three punkte each day during the Singelt period will earn their first ring of the 5 Ring Olympic Maesterbonus . . . where are the other four rings hidden? One hint, if you stay hangry every Monday, you just might earn a second ring).

  • STRAVA Challenge Bonuses are now in play (as noted on the Bonuspunkte page HERE). Couple of differences from the past in that you can now earn a collective +15 bonuspunkte each month by completing these challenges. Remember, in addition to reporting on the DRT, you need to send GG proof of completion on these . . . a screenshot of the STRAVA provided “Congratulations, this activity completed . . . “ message from the app will do nicely.

  • Another gentle reminder: you may earn only one bonus per day. Just one. So be tactical in your activities and choices.

  • GG knows that some of the distances and requirements on the Olympic Bonus list are a little wonky. But this is part of a Sömmer event. If you’ll remember, GG messaged that the shorter, less intense mid-year Füstes are where he gets to experiment (which includes making some strange choices and flat out errors). Any pain and suffering that you experience with the Sömmer Olympic Bonuses will be smoothed out by next Winter’s Olympic Bonuses (yep, Winter Olympics coming in 2022, COVID willing and the creek don’t rise).

  • Overall, you guys are doing an amazing job of reporting off, especially on your bonus play. A couple of missteps here and there but for the most part things are going smoothly on this end. Just don’t forget, for some bonuses it’s not enough to just report on the DRT but you need to send whatever proof is required to GG as well.

That’s enough for now. Good luck on Week 3!

Griswalde Grolar

Let’s see who’s reading these updates . . . send GG the answer to the following question and earn a special one time only +1p bonus: Who has the all time record for most Olympic medals won over the course of their entire career?