Week 3 Update: Rough Tech Week

Hallo Füsters,

Right out the gate, let GG apologize for the issue this past week with the reporting tool. He didn’t anticipate the need to add more STRAVA bonuses and he completely missed the issue where the KoG Weekly Assessment bonus would block out doing a second bonus on the same day. That’s all bad on GG. After a marathon reprogramming session on the DRT, he’s got both issues fixed as noted here:

  • KoG Weekly Assessment: Your DRT now has a check box to use when you’re reporting the KoG each weekend. This will allow you to now score whatever other bonus you might do that same day by using the STANDARD or STRAVA or OLYMPIC pull down menus. You’ll still see the KoG Assessment as a selection in the STANDARD list but just ignore it as you now have the check box (you’ll also note there’s a mistake on it that says it was worth 5p which is obviously wrong and doesn’t matter anyways cause you’re not going to score it from the pull down anymore (hand over face emoji)).

  • STRAVA Challenge Bonuses: As you’ll remember from early last week, there was an outcry from the Füsters that resulted in GG adding a couple more STRAVA Challenge Bonuses (ROKA, Runderwear and Yoga) to the initial list for January. Problem was that only the initial list was programmed to appear on the DRT so reporting on the newly added bonuses was a problem. GG’s plan to solve this last week was to have you use the STANDARD Bonus pull down and choose EVENT (1) or EVENT (3), something that a lot of Füsters missed completely (it was on the bonus page right below where GG added the extra bonuses). Well, and please listen up here, GG has fixed this issue with this weekend’s DRT update. Moving forward, to report any STRAVA Challenge bonus that you don’t see on the drop down list (so this is going to be for any bonuses that GG had to add after the game begin, i.e. ROKA, etc.), you will choose either “ADDITIONAL (1)” or “ADDITIONAL (3)” from the STRAVA drop down menu. So, for example, you complete the Runderwear 20K bonus. It’s worth +3p. You will now report this on the DRT by going to the STRAVA Challenge Bonus drop down menu and selecting ADDITIONAL (3) (if it had been worth 1p, you would have chosen ADDITIONAL (1), get it?). It was not possible for GG to enter the new bonuses on the DRT nor does he know what STRAVA will have for you in February or March so he had to create just a place holder for possible +1p or +3p bonuses. Which he has now done and we’ll never speak of this again.

What else is there to say this week? Thankfully not much. I think GG has over-communicated and caused enough problems for one week so let’s keep this short and to the point:

  • Please remember that Doppelt (double) workouts are not live until Week 5! You can do all the exercise you want (and GG encourages you to) but you can only report and score a Singelt (single +1p) until January 30th.

  • Hopefully last week’s Fasting Days went alright for everyone cause there’s three more weeks to come of being hangry and irritable.

  • Earlier this week GG sent out a Bonus tracking sheet meant to help you preplan your game strategy. Check your email if you don’t know what GG is talking about and let him know if you didn’t receive it.

  • Tomorrow night is the first “pop-up” bonus of WF22. These are bonuses not listed anywhere on the website and you have only day to complete them (unless you’re a shift worker who can’t pull it off because of your schedule and then just reach out to GG to figure out an alternative plan). Pop-up bonuses are typically not announced in advance (the whole point of them) but as this is the first one of WF22, GG felt he’d give you some lead time. Tomorrow’s bonus is a Full Moon Bonus, wherein you will need to head out into the night and complete a simple task under the light of the moon. GG will send out the details tomorrow but maybe do some practice howls this evening (you know, like a wolf under a full moon would 🧐).

  • One thing GG would like to ask is that if you’re not following the Füste on Twitter, please do so! You literally can just follow GG and no one else if that’s what you’re worried about. Twitter is GG’s primary daily comms platform and if everyone was over there he wouldn’t have to annoy the Füsters with a barrage of text messages. You can find the Füste on Twitter by searching for @TheFüste and then setting the app to notify you of new Tweets.

  • And congrats to the Bush Dog, a first time Füster who really made some big moves during Week 2 game play and has three trophies next to his name on the Bestenliste. He also now has a big target on his back and should prepare to be attacked by any number of Füsters hungry for that top spot! Heavy is the head that wears the crown, sir!

That’s it for today. Again, sorry for the mess last week but the Füste is always changing, always trying to improve and sometimes there’s a two steps forward, one step back thing that happens and while it’s frustrating it also helps make the game better in the end. Thanks for your patience and understanding and GG hopes it didn’t have too big an impact on you.

Have a great Week 3 and may the Füste be with you always,