For a change, this’ll be real quick. Here we go:
Week 4’s bonuses have been posted and thankfully they are all very straight forward. Go get those punkte! And don’t forget that any past bonuses that you haven’t gotten too are still good to go . . .
Homework requirements have increased, as you knew they would. Go HERE to check ‘em out.
Your first Olympic Ring is just over the horizon. If you’ve scored all three daily punkte from Jan. 10th through the 30th you’ll earn the first ring. Get all five and earn the olympic sized +15p bonus.
Some of you continue to report the KoG Weekly Assessment by using the STANDARD Bonus drop down menu on the DRT. Please do not do this. To report the KoG (only once a week!), use the checkbox on the DRT where it asks “Did you do your KoG Assessment?” And again, you only do this assessment once a week, on the weekend, at GG’s direction. Please do not click the KoG box each day to denote completion of your homework!
The 10 point monthly limit for STRAVA bonus play is really straining the capabilities of the DRT. We may have to modify things in February and March to make it work and also so that GG doesn’t end up openly weeping every night in the shower. More to come here . . .
Another DRT driven issue: mis-reporting. Whether it’s the wrong date, multiple and repeat entries for a single bonus, complete and utterly confusing entries that GG didn’t even know you could do on the DRT, there’s a lot of mistakes being made in the daily reports. GG’s catching many of them as they hit because they create wildly unrealistic point totals. But he’s starting to realize there’s a lot more of this going on than he understood. And so, he’s going to have to start auditing each players master sheet on a regular basis. How’s he going to do that when there’s 135 of you and 1 of him? No idea. But he’ll let you know he figures it out. In the meantime, if you have any question at all about what you’re going to report, just reach out to GG and make sure it makes sense. If you don’t hear back immediately, just hold your report until you do . . .
And speaking of not hearing back, GG is on the road Monday and Tuesday of Week 4 so please don’t get offended if he doesn’t respond in a timely fashion to a text. He promises he’ll get back to you but it may take a day or so. And the nightly posting of the Bestenliste may be slightly delayed as well. We’ll see . . .
That’s it for this week. Hope everyone continues to have a good game experience and that you’re starting to see some progress in the battle against your flank meat! You should have dropped a pound or two by now, at least . . .
Okay, talk soon