Startenfüste Update - Easing into Week 1

Good evening, Füsters!

GG will make this quick and promises you won’t have to hear from him again until next Sunday . . .

Here’s the tea:

  • Tomorrow is the first time you’ll use the new Daily Reporting Tool (DRT). For some of you, this will be the your first time ever. To make all of our lives a little easier, GG has created a guide on how to use the DRT. Find it HERE (you can also find the page by using the pull down menu hiding under “THE FÜSTE” heading at the top of all pages on the website). GG will be around tomorrow morning if you have issues or need help . . . Remember, reports are due by noon local time.

  • Also remember there’s only one bonus available this week and that’s the Polar Plunge. This is by design so you can ease into this beast we call Winterfüste and not freak out. Concentrate on getting your three points each day this week. Just focus on that and maybe start hitting your homework. The first big slew of bonuses will be released next Sunday night.

  • A point of clarity on that homework . . . and this comes up every year. You do not report off on daily homework. You just do it (do the five exercises). The way you “report” or prove your compliance with this daily assignment is through the Köcher of Gott Bonus Assessment each weekend. On Friday’s, GG will let you know which of the five exercises you need to send video proof of (remember, you don’t have to prove all five now, just whichever GG says for that weekend) by Sunday night. Do it, send it, earn the +3p KoG assessment bonus. So that’s how that works.

  • When all else fails, walk. Walking for one hour will get you your daily exercise point. You can always squeeze a walk in. So don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t work out and it’s suddenly late in the day . . . just go for a walk!

  • Tonight’s pro-tip: clear your pantry of all non-Füste friendly foods. If it’s not in your house, you wont be able to eat it and blow your Foodenpunkte. GG has learned this the hard way over the years.

That’s it. From what GG’s seen on STRAVA so far today and the videos and pics that have been coming in, you guys are off to a great startenfüste! Keep it up! Only 76 more days to go! 🤦🏻‍♂️